AlphaElwedritsch SethStorm666 Is it too much coloring? Candy Crush for little girls but not for real men 😂
SethStorm666 As an artist you have to also use your feminine side as well as your masculine side to be creative. I'm an Author as well. There you have to get inside of the head of your male as your female characters to make them believable. So there's no shame to work with both sides of your personality. 🙂
brent AlphaElwedritsch Dear Budgie Users-- can we do a floating task bar like this in budgie? would put away plank to try it.
SethStorm666 Sure, I made it with AI and edited in Inkscape. <removed by me as the requester got his background>
AlphaElwedritsch SethStorm666 I'm using it now, but not only on my solus, also on my GrapheneOS pixel 😉
Staudey SethStorm666 I also made this one which fits more to Solus OS theme. Just fyi: It's not "Solus OS", it's just "Solus" ( "Solus OS" was the old (Debian-based?) distro
SethStorm666 brent elementary OS which uses plank as deault in eOS7 has developed a dock that works in Wayland based on plank. IT floats last time I tried the eOS8 daily build. Maybe request the package team to get it for Budgie?
brent [budgie-simple. been using a lot of space telescope pics lately although our moon here is likely from an observatory 'scope.]
AlphaElwedritsch Great, another snake. May I ask you again to share both snakes again? The non-"OS" snakes 😉 Not that I use the wrong ones at the end 😉 Many thanks
AlphaElwedritsch SethStorm666 thanks @SethStorm666 , please let it uploaded a few days, my carrier data volume is empty and I have no WiFi network available at the moment.