infinitymdm brent This particular photo is the work of Andrew McCarthy. As with most astrophotography, it's a composite shot of many, many photos combined with specialized software. You can check out his work here.
SethStorm666 After DE jumping for awhile, I'm back on Budgie DE. KDE is nice and all that, but it' to laggy because I have a Nvidia card - but I have heard it's going to change soon. Budgie DE:
UncleSpellbinder It's been at least 5 years since I last used Solus. Long overdue I returned. This is my Solus KDE install on my laptop...
SethStorm666 pomon Homebrewed/custom made GTK theme. But basically it's tweaked Delight 2 theme that I made:
SethStorm666 OS: Solus OS DE: Budgie Icons: StormTrooper (under development) Decoration: (Modified) Graphite Dark
Sebastian SethStorm666 How do you make file browser window semi transparent while dragging it around?