wip of my xfce setup. might try to round off my taskbar if it's possible.
Show your Solus
My updated Plasma 6 !
caway is really good, if anyone is using waybar I recommend it
Scotty-Trees I love that bg! Do you have a link to it?
SethStorm666 Ok, please tell me how I can do this? I absolutely LOVE this setup, is it a theme or something I can download somewhere? Thank you!!
- Edited
All made by me.
GTK Theme: https://www.deviantart.com/sethstorm666/art/Delight-2-GTK-Themes-Linux-1019980338
Wallpapers: https://www.deviantart.com/sethstorm666/art/Solus-OS-Minimal-wallpapers-HD-1019896095
Icons: https://www.deviantart.com/sethstorm666/art/Delight-2-Icon-Themes-1009316905
Though I haven't uploaded the Plank theme. If you need it I can upload it.
SethStorm666 My man! Thank you!
SethStorm666 Incredible job! I didn't think it was possible to make Budgie even more beautiful but you did it! I would love the plank theme if it's not too difficult. beautiful work man!
xander Beautiful ! Can you tell a little bit more about the setup (icons set, gtk theme) please ?
etiennechantant i am using the jasper-dracula gtk theme and the icons are the Reversal icon theme
Brewing on a new icon theme...
SethStorm666 at gnome-looks there is no one doing what you are doing with Plank, but in icons there a million creative geniuses but very few are doing this bare bones, look---the people (like me) who like clean, simple, functional, and tasteful are out there.
It wasn't until the green pond and icons that I figured out (I think!) what you were doing as an artist. No one else is designing like you. By that I mean you design around/for/aware of the background pic. In other words, even a 'full theme' set is not as important as the whole thing, the whole desktop, the whole vibe.
I mean I can find some fantastic backgrounds but I can't marry any theme/icon to them like you can. Look at the browns then the wheat colored foreground. It's sublime. The best free verse poetry, and even jazz, use that concept sometimes . Rock on.
Usually it starts with I find a nice wallpaper I like, then I build an icon theme from there. I like uniformed icons (best for my OCD), that's why I keep them as it is, and not go color spree. I know tastes a different for each and everyone, but when I see someone using those neon multi-coloured icons, my eyes hurts. Lol!!! But if they like them, good for them, but my OCD can't handle it.
SethStorm666 by the way whats the name of the menu applet
xander The package name who brings it is budgie-applications-menu