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Show your Solus
XFCE-Beta with Salvador Dali last 2 weeks.
wip of my xfce setup. might try to round off my taskbar if it's possible.
My updated Plasma 6 !
caway is really good, if anyone is using waybar I recommend it
Scotty-Trees I love that bg! Do you have a link to it?
SethStorm666 Ok, please tell me how I can do this? I absolutely LOVE this setup, is it a theme or something I can download somewhere? Thank you!!
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All made by me.
GTK Theme: https://www.deviantart.com/sethstorm666/art/Delight-2-GTK-Themes-Linux-1019980338
Wallpapers: https://www.deviantart.com/sethstorm666/art/Solus-OS-Minimal-wallpapers-HD-1019896095
Icons: https://www.deviantart.com/sethstorm666/art/Delight-2-Icon-Themes-1009316905
Though I haven't uploaded the Plank theme. If you need it I can upload it.
SethStorm666 My man! Thank you!
SethStorm666 Incredible job! I didn't think it was possible to make Budgie even more beautiful but you did it! I would love the plank theme if it's not too difficult. beautiful work man!
xander Beautiful ! Can you tell a little bit more about the setup (icons set, gtk theme) please ?
etiennechantant i am using the jasper-dracula gtk theme and the icons are the Reversal icon theme
Brewing on a new icon theme...