Lucien_Lachance Man thats some big freaking screen you have there. Great.
Show your Solus
dhrac it used to be big, once you get used to it its normal
JohannPopper it's a been a long time since you posted this theme but it really looks gorgeous ! Can you tell me which GTK you use + icons ?
thanx !
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CPU: dual core AMD A4-1250 APU with Radeon HD Graphics (-MCP-)
speed/min/max: 998/800/1000 MHz Kernel: 5.15.26-211.current x86_64 Up: 1h 58m
Mem: 2163.3/5386.1 MiB (40.2%) Storage: 465.76 GiB (3.4% used) Procs: 211
Shell: Bash inxi: 3.3.12
If you are interested in knowing about the icon topic, it does not exist yet, since it is my own Icon topic. DEMZ_Icons_Fantasy.
Dinimixis_DEMZ The folders, the rest is WhiteSur.
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... Yes, in spanish.
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I hope they don't take the GNOME, if I could do something about it, I'll be here.
dyingzhu Oh vaya, alguien más que habla español.
Dinimixis_DEMZ No sé español. Soy turco.
dyingzhu Eso es igual de efectivo. OS deseo un feliz día.
I really appreciate the default theme, Solus + Budgie = Perfection
hdansin Beautiful! Do you know if the transparency works fine with Qogir theme? I tested in the past and some themes didn't worked with transparency.
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Solarmass Yeah, I'm having issues with the login screen. Unfortunately, Plata seems to be abandoned . Hope the new theme is as good as Plata.