Show your Solus
Here's mine. It's pretty simple
WonderingDane hi, will you please mind sharing that wallpaper here? it looks cool. thanks.
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rahmatnw I too listen to the new Caskets album, it's wonderful
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Loving how everyone has an unique look to their desktop!
For those who are working on custom GNOME/Budgie themes and would like someone to help test HIDPI support, let me know. I'm running dual 4K monitors with Budgie right now under Solus 4.3 (GNOME 40.4.0) and can help test in different scaling formats and stuff.
My Gnome 2 style setup on Solus Mate on a true potato PC.
Staudey I remember using Solus 95 back in the day with my pentium pro... Obviously much better than the MS clone, a shame they copied even the name.
YuriTheHenrique You probably mean Solaris... or I didn't get a joke.
MattX scroll up about 11'll get it.
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Brucehankins It's funny to see that ugliness on a quadcore Intel i5 machine and some modern Nvidia GPU... I wonder if there's a theme pack to make it look like stock Amiga Workbench 3.1 or even 1.3 and all with those crazy oversize custom icons that took like 1/4 of the screen some apps had.
I found an impasta
It's made by someone from the community, but I think it was posted on the old forums?
WonderingDane thanks for that wallpaper
i dont know about the old forums because i moved to solus only some months ago.
Switched quite a while ago to Budgie, due to being bummed off by qt, and wanted to switch to something gtk based.
Quite liked the plata-noir theme.
How do you make rounded panels. I did not find such a possibility in the environment settings.
PoorPocketsMcNewHold seriously...thats a lot of games on your library. i wonder how you get the time to play all of them ......
[deleted] I do, in fact. As I have the time extracting my PS3 & switch games, organizing and styling my Steam client, and customizing my desktop, I do say I have quite the time available x)
eyyb how to do that?