Junglist I enjoyed it. Not quite as good of a story as the original trilogy, but pretty good. Graphics/engine/combat I think were better as was crafting/resource gathering. Def play via Steam, it really makes it easier to get things working that require the origin launcher (which is a dumpster fire).

9 days later

Currently playing through Rainbow Six: Vegas using Proton. Every once in a while I like to go back and play an older game I had already beaten back when I was on Windows to see how it plays on Linux.

    PublicLewdness I've finally beaten Greedfall and am now on to Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands (plays like a champ with the current default Proton, no tweaking).

    So my SM64 project is currently on hold while I play Stardew Valley again (alone) and "Firefighting Simulator: The Squad" with my friends (works perfectly fine with Proton, just a slight performance penalty)

    George I just got This War of Mine: Final Cut on sale for $3 and haven't had the chance to play it yet. Sorry to hear about your hard time, friend.

    Hades on the Solus desktop / Pop!_os laptop if the trackball is connected.
    Phoenix Point, on the laptop if the trackball is not connected.

    [waits patiently for Tron...for decades...drums fingers].

    I've finished Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. It's been a hell of a ride.

    I'm still playing Assassin's Creed: Odyssey every now and then.

    I've also started playing Batman: Arkham Origins (one of the titles from my backlog of shame), which I'm really enjoying. It's been a while since I've played Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, but I'd say this game is as enjoyable as the Rocksteady games.

    When I want to play something relaxing, I boot up Dorfromantik which is an absolutely wonderful title. It's a puzzle game that plays like a cross between Carcassonne (the board game) and solitaire. It's a great title to unwind, I can recommend it even to people who are not normally into puzzle games.

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    • Edited

    elfprince lol seriously is that the reason you dont game? 😆
    thats an excuse i have never heard of.
    edit: the wear and tear that a FPS gamer causes on his mouse is insane, i know this because i mostly play shooters like half life and halo, and these days the left click button on my mouse seems too worn out 🙂