Just finished all 4 Mass Effect games in order and now on to Greedfall. I had started it on Windows before I converted and it wouldn't run on Linux (at least not well and not without a bunch of workarounds), but the 6.21 GE Proton fork it runs great.
What are you playing now?
been playing a bit of Minecraft with friends since the new update, and Not Tetris 2 which at first seems like just a silly joke version of Tetris but it's surprisingly engaging!
I've been playing a bit of Super Mario 64 (using the mupen64plus
emulator with m64py
frontend) to finally reach 120 stars, which I never did as a kid. Only halfway done so far but optimistic
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Currently playing Halo 3 on the Master Chief Collection on my Solus box, working my way through before i go to Halo Infinite which I will play on my XBOX Series S (sacrilege i know but my system isn't powerful enough to support it mores the pity)
On Solus Im also diving in and out of Bomber Crew, Tomb Raider Anniversary and Legend as well as Firewatch and
Gibbous - A Cthulhu Adventure
Rocket League and AC Odyssey. Both run great on Proton.
528491 i lost interest in rocket league ever since the devs dropped Linux support.I still have it in my steam library. but the games is great, however.
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zmaint How did you like Mass Effect Andromeda? Would you recommend getting it?
I'm currently playing Mass Effect Legendary, I'm about 20-30 hours into Mass Effect 3, and I'm wondering whether I should get ME: A and play it after I finish ME3. There are a lot of conflicting opinions about ME: A. Some people like it, some say it's trash, I really don't know what to think about it.
I've been playing the ME Trilogy mainly for the story and I don't know If ME: A is worth getting into, considering that most people say its story is really weak when compared to the trilogy. Is it good enough?
As to some other games I've been playing recently, there's Noita which is an amazing roguelike / roguelite and Assassin's Creed: Odyssey (playing as Kassandra).
I've also picked up Homeworld: Remastered Collection, which I'll be getting into soon. I'll be playing it with the 2.3 Players Patch.
seanragout Don't worry about it. Imo having an Xbox is preferrable to having to dual boot and using Windows. Personally, I do dual boot, but I hate using and having to reboot to W10 so much, that I hardly ever boot it up. Mostly it goes like this - I boot it up a few times (eg to play a few matches of Halo Infinite), then I go a few months without booting it up even once. Then I boot it up a few times again, and after that I have another period without using it at all.
Junglist I enjoyed it. Not quite as good of a story as the original trilogy, but pretty good. Graphics/engine/combat I think were better as was crafting/resource gathering. Def play via Steam, it really makes it easier to get things working that require the origin launcher (which is a dumpster fire).
Currently playing through Rainbow Six: Vegas using Proton. Every once in a while I like to go back and play an older game I had already beaten back when I was on Windows to see how it plays on Linux.
PublicLewdness I've finally beaten Greedfall and am now on to Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands (plays like a champ with the current default Proton, no tweaking).
Stardew Valley as always.... but i also recently purchased Moonlighter so that it may sit unplayed in my Library
OrbitalWLF That game also took me some hours, such a nice game.
I'm working through Mass Effect: Legendary Edition
Vintage Story, and Rusted Warfare.
Playing Forza Horizon 5
Playing Nothing
So my SM64 project is currently on hold while I play Stardew Valley again (alone) and "Firefighting Simulator: The Squad" with my friends (works perfectly fine with Proton, just a slight performance penalty)
I'm going through a difficult period right now. And as in any difficult period, I play in this war of mine
George I just got This War of Mine: Final Cut on sale for $3 and haven't had the chance to play it yet. Sorry to hear about your hard time, friend.