brent Looks like you are trying to stay ahead of something?
Not quite sure what you mean by this, but I have considered it for a while and I felt earlier this month that getting to work on it would be in the best interest of the project, to better foster a constructive feedback and conversation cycle.
Of the list of unacceptable things I rarely, if ever, see any of this abhorrent behavior as described, even political talk. The most recent was that guy beatrice bounced (ban) for disparaging remarks over and over.
Yea, our community for the most part has been extremely welcoming and we have always worked to keep it that. Sometimes there are folks that end up being disruptive, but I can't say I remember many cases where any sort of harassment or language that is inflammatory to one or more groups of people, and we have always dealt with those quickly.
The part on necros was a little more clarified and needed.
Exactly and we can always expand on this further if folks want. I just didn't know 100% what the community would have in mind here, so I just wrote down something that I thought would be a sensible baseline.
Regarding the staying on topic, "non-hateful profanity", etc. those are all in our current Community Guidelines. I think most of us can have a bit of a "potty mouth" but so long as it is done tastefully (and typically kept to IRC), it's mostly fine.
You have a separate policing guide for team members engaging in infractions which I found interesting.
Well, it is a sensible path of escalation that is intended to account for the broader responsibilities. Better to be safe than sorry, even if I am doubtful anything would escalate to it.
I'm not sure if you were soliciting comments but I dig this distro's growth very much.
Soliciting comments is exactly the point of the post 😉 It's a conversation with everyone in the community.