
I have the same issue, I have tried to roll back with no change, now I have upgraded the packages again from the terminal
(sudo eopkg up).

I'm running with luks

Best regards

@RunningAroundIC If you have an account on our development tracker, it'd be appreciated if you could post your results there (good or bad, doesn't matter). If you don't have an account on our development tracker then no worries, can post the result(s) here instead.

    JoshStrobl it is, yes. Usually i get the screen to unlock the boot drive right after the BIOS logo but with the latest packages + kernel it's stuck on the BIOS logo.


    Sadly I don't have an account on the dev tracker 😅

    I'm trying to Install the linux-current 5.14.12-201-1-x86_64.eopkg

    But I get a curl error:
    [Error 14] curl#60 - "SSL certificate problem: certificate is not yet valid"

      RunningAroundIC Well the getsol.us certificate certainly is valid 😛 You could try downloading them to somewhere like your Downloads folder using a browser and installing them using sudo eopkg install <file>.eopkg instead.


        I found out the clock and date was set wrong 🙄😅

        Question, I have Installed the Nvidia drivers via DoFlicky, is it still the same actions as mentioned in the dev tracker?

          tom73287428764 Running the command should be fine. Please note that I am not entirely certainly what the behavior will be when installing, if clr-boot-manager will have three entries instead of two (with .10 and both .12), so might be worth having a Solus USB ready to run through the boot rescue doc and revert to .10 (by reverting the eopkg transaction).

            RunningAroundIC Run eopkg li | grep 'nvidia'

            If it isn't glx but something like 390, these instructions will not work for you. If you are using glx then use the CLI commands from the task.

              The individual on the development tracker reported that the kernels referenced on the task resolved the issue, so assuming positive responses from you folks, these will get pushed out to stable.

              JoshStrobl It seems to have worked! Thanks!! 😀 clr-boot-manager list-kernels has two entries "5.14.12-201" and "5.14.10-199"
              5.14.12-201 has a * next to it so i'm guessing that's the one that's selected? is there anything else i should be doing or should i wait until the packages are updated again a week from now and updata via software centre then


                5.14.12-201 has a * next to it so i'm guessing that's the one that's selected

                That is correct.

                is there anything else i should be doing or should i wait until the packages are updated again a week from now and updata via software centre then

                You'll be on the latest kernel that will get pushed from unstable to stable today. No additional changes needed on your part, just keep on rollin. You will see a modaliases package update related to nvidia-glx-driver once these land in stable, this is just for hardware detection and not something you have to worry about immediately updating and rebooting for.

                Apologies for the disruption. This worked on my laptop, which is a LUKS based installation. Obviously wouldn't have pushed .12 to begin with if it hadn't.


                Hey, it installed the kernel and Nvidia drivers fine, but I still am stuck at bios startup screen, nothing happening. Any ideas what it can be?

                  RunningAroundIC I would double check that you are using the -201 version. If you are unsure and haven't seen a prompt / list when booting, spam the spacebar while booting up and you should see a menu.


                    The -201 is not listed

                    But in my eopkg history I see it installed, do I need to configure more?

                    When sudo usysconf run -f

                    I see that it is not updating the clr-boot-manager