First off, I want to say thank you to everyone in the Solus community that have helped me on my way as a package maintainer during these years. It has been a great resource of knowledge, both in lower-level Linux usage, compiler toolchains and just in general how Linux is put together. I don't know when I started packaging, but I see that my account on has existed for four years now and I will be forever grateful for having had this opportunity.
As some of you might have noticed, I have had trouble keeping my packages updated and in sync as releases happened upstream. There has seembly not been enough time. This has largely been because of other things going on in life. In general, I need to put a lot of time into my projects such as wormhole-gui and my involvement in the Fyne UI toolkit. After the summer, I will move on to the university to study Computer Science which of course means that time will be even more limited. I feel that the packages that I have been maintaining have fallen too much behind and no longer fit in with the rolling-release system that Solus uses. I am sorry.
Again, thank you for all your time and help during my time as a package maintainer. It has been a good time and I will forever be thankful. For the time being, I will stick around on here and on the developer portal to partake in discussions and answer questions, but I will step down as a package maintainer.