I am beginner πŸ™ Please tell me how can i install .deb packages in Solus?

You can't. We aren't a Debian-based distro, nor do we use dpkg. Solus has its own package format called eopkg.

Edit: If you can tell us what you are trying to install we might either already have it, have a good alternative for it, or be able to help you install it.

    Energy40 you have to create a .desktop file. You can use mozo on MATE or menulibre on Budgie/Gnome for that.

      Even easier to use:
      From this post on the XnView forum, there is a link to the latest version of XnViewMP 0.93 in appimage format (direct link), XnViewMP which contains XnConvert.
      So it's very easy, since it's just a matter of making the appimage executable via the file properties. I tested it and it works flawlessly, same as my installed XnViewMP.
      To access the XnConvert function, select one or more images and then choose "batch conversion".

      5 months later
      2 months later

      I get the below error when downloading the debian_bridge. Appreciate any guidance

      Compiling semver-parser v0.7.0
      Compiling libc v0.2.64
      error: linker cc not found
      = note: No such file or directory (os error 2)

      error: aborting due to previous error

      error: Could not compile libc.
      warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
      error: failed to compile debian_bridge v1.0.0 (https://github.com/22116/debian_bridge#0696f0c7), intermediate artifacts can be found at /tmp/cargo-install2BTboZ

      Caused by:
      build failed

        Linuxlover Do you have the development packages installed? If not, you'll need to install them with sudo eopkg install -c system.devel in order to compile programs.

        a year later

        Hello dear Solus users ,
        I've installed debian-bridge with everything it need :
        shoryu@shoryu ~ $ debian_bridge test
        System settings:

            Docker version  ===> 1.41
            Window manager  ===> X11
            Sound driver    ===> PulseAudio

        Available features:

            Display         ===> available
            Sound           ===> available
            Devices         ===> available
            Notification    ===> available
            Timezone        ===> available
            Home persistent ===> available

        Then i type :
        shoryu@shoryu ~ $ debian_bridge --command 'opera-developer-desktop' ~/Downloads/opera-developer_76.0.4016.0_amd64.deb
        pas d'entrΓ©e control.tar.gz dans l'archive

        gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
        tar: Child returned status 1
        tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
        ERROR debian_bridge_cli::starter > Program errors occured: Can not parse an input package

        Did i make an error of writing or something else?

          algent hello , thanks you , they said disconnect and reconnect , so i didn't reboot i think , i try it and tell you if it solve

          algent same result with reboot 🀣
          Anyway , it's working fine with other way so i'm happy , thank for your help algent 😁