You can download the tarball version:
It's just an unpack and run kind of deal. If you want a menu item, some work necessary.
You can download the tarball version:
It's just an unpack and run kind of deal. If you want a menu item, some work necessary.
It's pretty straightforward, look at the screenshots :
Even easier to use:
From this post on the XnView forum, there is a link to the latest version of XnViewMP 0.93 in appimage format (direct link), XnViewMP which contains XnConvert.
So it's very easy, since it's just a matter of making the appimage executable via the file properties. I tested it and it works flawlessly, same as my installed XnViewMP.
To access the XnConvert function, select one or more images and then choose "batch conversion".
Hi, you can run .deb packages with help of docker. I created a small utility to automize this process. I use it to run some applications
I get the below error when downloading the debian_bridge. Appreciate any guidance
Compiling semver-parser v0.7.0
Compiling libc v0.2.64
error: linker cc
not found
= note: No such file or directory (os error 2)
error: aborting due to previous error
error: Could not compile libc
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error: failed to compile debian_bridge v1.0.0 (
, intermediate artifacts can be found at /tmp/cargo-install2BTboZ
Caused by:
build failed
Linuxlover Do you have the development packages installed? If not, you'll need to install them with sudo eopkg install -c system.devel
in order to compile programs.
Hello dear Solus users ,
I've installed debian-bridge with everything it need :
shoryu@shoryu ~ $ debian_bridge test
System settings:
Docker version ===> 1.41
Window manager ===> X11
Sound driver ===> PulseAudio
Available features:
Display ===> available
Sound ===> available
Devices ===> available
Notification ===> available
Timezone ===> available
Home persistent ===> available
Then i type :
shoryu@shoryu ~ $ debian_bridge --command 'opera-developer-desktop' ~/Downloads/opera-developer_76.0.4016.0_amd64.deb
pas d'entrée control.tar.gz dans l'archive
gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
ERROR debian_bridge_cli::starter > Program errors occured: Can not parse an input package
Did i make an error of writing or something else?
shoryuken777 Normally you should restart your computer to make debian_bridge
I made opera-developer work fine with downhill post at this Solus forum link :
But still don't know why my debian-bridge still not working , interested of your help , if you find something
algent hello , thanks you , they said disconnect and reconnect , so i didn't reboot i think , i try it and tell you if it solve
algent same result with reboot
Anyway , it's working fine with other way so i'm happy , thank for your help algent
i want install tixati
bnademahmed About tixati
you can do the manual install.
Download tixati-2.81-1.x86_64.manualinstall.tar.gz
(if your system is 64-bit) from In the README.txt
file you will find all the instructions. For system wide install the first three steps are enough to make it work.
and i recently download qbittorrent and successfully download but when i open it the software dosent start
in this website
i bypass this sudo add-apt-repository ppa:qbittorrent-team/qbittorrent-stable because i dont now how to do that in solus terminal