Linuxlover Do you have the development packages installed? If not, you'll need to install them with sudo eopkg install -c system.devel in order to compile programs.

a year later

Hello dear Solus users ,
I've installed debian-bridge with everything it need :
shoryu@shoryu ~ $ debian_bridge test
System settings:

    Docker version  ===> 1.41
    Window manager  ===> X11
    Sound driver    ===> PulseAudio

Available features:

    Display         ===> available
    Sound           ===> available
    Devices         ===> available
    Notification    ===> available
    Timezone        ===> available
    Home persistent ===> available

Then i type :
shoryu@shoryu ~ $ debian_bridge --command 'opera-developer-desktop' ~/Downloads/opera-developer_76.0.4016.0_amd64.deb
pas d'entrée control.tar.gz dans l'archive

gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
ERROR debian_bridge_cli::starter > Program errors occured: Can not parse an input package

Did i make an error of writing or something else?

    algent hello , thanks you , they said disconnect and reconnect , so i didn't reboot i think , i try it and tell you if it solve

    algent same result with reboot 🤣
    Anyway , it's working fine with other way so i'm happy , thank for your help algent 😁

    a month later

    bnademahmed About tixati you can do the manual install.
    Download tixati-2.81-1.x86_64.manualinstall.tar.gz (if your system is 64-bit) from In the README.txt file you will find all the instructions. For system wide install the first three steps are enough to make it work.

    bnademahmed Solus doesn't use ppa, those are Debian/Ubuntu thing.

    Solus has it's own package manager.
    Install it with this command: sudo eopkg it qbittorrent

    bnademahmed What about it. Just install it. Find it on Software Center as virtualbox-current, or install it from terminal sudo eopkg it virtualbox-current if you are using linux-current kernel.

      algent thank it helpful
      i will see some youtube video to learn solus
      im using solus as daily use in my comuter

        virtual box installed but it dosent run
        i remove it and installed again and still the same problem

          bnademahmed I have no idea. I installed and it is running fine for me.
          Try to run sudo systemctl status vboxdrv.service and later journalctl -xe as suggested.

          Installing virtualbox in my pc trows the same error, I know why and it's because my pc doesn't support virtualization, maybe that's the reason for you too, make sure your pc support virtualization, kvm or something like that.

          bnademahmed Also make sure that your system is fully up-to-date sudo eopkg up -y. Virtualbox ships with kernel modules -> if there is a version mismatch between the kernel and the virtualbox kernel modules, it will fail.