I have installed Google Chrome using the following method:
sudo eopkg bi --ignore-safety https://raw.githubusercontent.com/getsolus/3rd-party/master/network/web/browser/google-chrome-stable/pspec.xml
sudo eopkg it google-chrome-*.eopkg;sudo rm google-chrome-*.eopkg
and when i try to run Flash Player, it asks me to right click to install it, so i do it, after it says restart chrome to get flash working, so i close it and reopen it, go to the same website where i really need flash player to work as it's very important for my work, so i click the app i want to run, Chrome asks me to allow that website to run flash, i allow it, and i get a white page, asking me to right click to run plugin, i right click to run the plugin, and nothing happens
only way i mangaged to get Flash to work was to run Chrome with the --no-sandbox argument, which is not preffered ... so i googled around a little, and to my understanding it comes down to chrome-sandbox not having the proper suid
kronikpillow@susanoo ~ $ sudo eopkg bi --ignore-safety https://raw.githubusercontent.com/getsolus/3rd-party/master/network/web/browser/google-chrome-stable/pspec.xml
pspec.xml (40.0 KB)100% 47.98 MB/s [00:00:00] [complete]
actions.py (874.0 B)100% 20.33 MB/s [00:00:00] [complete]
DEBUG: InstallDB initialized in 0.00616788864136.
DEBUG: RepoDB initialized in 0.000119924545288.
DEBUG: Remote file can not be reached. Previously downloaded part of the file will be removed.
Building source package: google-chrome-stable
component.xml (52.0 B)100% 1.24 MB/s [00:00:00] [complete]
google-chrome-stable_73.0.3683.86-1_amd64.deb [cached]
Unpacking archive(s)...
unpacked (/var/eopkg/google-chrome-stable-73.0.3683.86-143/work)
Setting up source...
DEBUG: return value for "pwd" is 0
DEBUG: return value for "ar xf google-chrome-stable_73.0.3683.86-1_amd64.deb" is 0
DEBUG: return value for "tar xvf data.tar.xz" is 0
Building source...
Testing package...
DEBUG: return value for "chown root:root opt/google/chrome/chrome-sandbox" is 0
DEBUG: return value for "chmod 4755 opt/google/chrome/chrome-sandbox" is 0
DEBUG: return value for "LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/readelf -d /var/eopkg/google-chrome-stable-73.0.3683.86-143/install/opt/google/chrome/nacl_helper" is 0
DEBUG: return value for "LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/readelf -d /var/eopkg/google-chrome-stable-73.0.3683.86-143/install/opt/google/chrome/libwidevinecdm.so" is 0
DEBUG: return value for "LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/readelf -d /var/eopkg/google-chrome-stable-73.0.3683.86-143/install/opt/google/chrome/chrome" is 0
DEBUG: return value for "LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/readelf -d /var/eopkg/google-chrome-stable-73.0.3683.86-143/install/opt/google/chrome/swiftshader/libEGL.so" is 0
DEBUG: return value for "LC_ALL=C /usr/bin/readelf -d /var/eopkg/google-chrome-stable-73.0.3683.86-143/install/opt/google/chrome/swiftshader/libGLESv2.so" is 0
Including external link '/var/eopkg/google-chrome-stable-73.0.3683.86-143/install/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable'
/opt/google/chrome/chrome-sandbox has suid bit set
Building package: google-chrome-stable
Creating google-chrome-stable-73.0.3683.86-143-1-x86_64.eopkg...
Keeping build directory
*** 0 error(s), 1 warning(s)
kronikpillow@susanoo ~ $ sudo eopkg it google-chrome-*.eopkg;sudo rm google-chrome-*.eopkg
Installation order: google-chrome-stable
Installing google-chrome-stable, version 73.0.3683.86, release 143
Extracting the files of google-chrome-stable
Installed google-chrome-stable
[✓] Syncing filesystems success
[✓] Updating icon theme cache: hicolor success
[✓] Updating desktop database success
[✓] Updating manpages database
Trying to run it as root with --no-sandbox gets it to run, but i get the following terminal output
root@susanoo / # google-chrome-stable --no-sandbox
[5152:5305:0328/141220.726175:ERROR:bus.cc(396)] Failed to connect to the bus: Could not parse server address: Unknown address type (examples of valid types are "tcp" and on UNIX "unix")
(google-chrome-stable:5152): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: 14:12:25.215: Unable to get session bus: Unknown or unsupported transport “disabled” for address “disabled:”
root@susanoo / # [0328/141258.414063:ERROR:nacl_helper_linux.cc(310)] NaCl helper process running without a sandbox!
Most likely you need to configure your SUID sandbox correctly
So, to my understanding so far, it's a problem with permissions of the sandbox as flash runs without sandbox enabled ...
anyone able to figure this out?