Widraz Hello guys, I need a video editor. And I would like to know what is the best video editor on Solus (free if it's possible) ? Thanks for your answers,
[deleted] Kden live vs OpenShot vs Shotcut vs Olive vs PiTiVi Blender has a video editing function as well. Has anyone used any of these?
synth-ruiner I find Shotcut relatively easy to use and it has all the features I've needed so far, but it has crashed on me a couple of times. Not recently though, so maybe it's a bit better now.
Axios synth-ruiner There was a fix for that dont recall what it was some settings in program. (crashing) not everyone was having it happen. dont remb where i found the info tho
downhill I've heard Kdenlive is the best opensource video editor. I don't know from experience though since I don't edit videos.
Brucehankins Not sure if you're a fan of Linux4Everyone, but episode 39 covers Shotcut and Lightworks. Also gives some feedback on why he doesn't use Kdenlive more often.
[deleted] Brucehankins I did check the episode out but i dont feel it's going in depth. Btw Im more interested in short films/clips ets rather than yt videos (stating that in case anyone here has experience on that)