synth-ruiner I find Shotcut relatively easy to use and it has all the features I've needed so far, but it has crashed on me a couple of times. Not recently though, so maybe it's a bit better now.
Axios synth-ruiner There was a fix for that dont recall what it was some settings in program. (crashing) not everyone was having it happen. dont remb where i found the info tho
downhill I've heard Kdenlive is the best opensource video editor. I don't know from experience though since I don't edit videos.
Brucehankins Not sure if you're a fan of Linux4Everyone, but episode 39 covers Shotcut and Lightworks. Also gives some feedback on why he doesn't use Kdenlive more often.
[deleted] Brucehankins I did check the episode out but i dont feel it's going in depth. Btw Im more interested in short films/clips ets rather than yt videos (stating that in case anyone here has experience on that)
Axios Shotcut they really fix bugs and keep updated in timely manner. Little learning curve but not bad kden was a disaster for