• [deleted]

Thank You Solus Team for this great update! And thanks Josh for the beautiful blog post, always a pleasure to read

Great for your work and taken over your free time Bravo

Maravilha! Wonderful! Obrigado

Looks fantastic! Congrats Solus Team & Community 🙂

This update is outstanding, especially for GNOME Shell users.

For all those who have ever struggled with Mutter performance and Shell graphical issues, 3.34 basically fixes everything, even on low-end hardware.

It's such a significant update, I'd suggest a refresh of the Solus ISOs, but 1) I know you guys would prefer not to, and 2) the servers are so fast all of a sudden, a 1.7 GB update out-of-the-box is of minor significance if you have a decent ISP.

Thank you. I want to donate to Solus Project again.

    Great update, give me those kde goodies baby <3

    This is great, thanks for the updates!
    Solus is the boat that leads me wherever I want.
    Keep on rocking!

    10 days later
    20 days later

    Let me buy the Solus Team a whole pot of Coffee, AND, you are invited to my house for Dinner!