catfishsushi Let me buy the Solus Team a whole pot of Coffee, AND, you are invited to my house for Dinner!
DataDrake 0xHG Budgie 11 won't be Qt. That hasn't been the case for well over a year now. It'll be C and GTK4.
0xHG DataDrake sorry for that and thanks for repply! I hope to contribute to the development of the Budgie Desktop.
a_ddays i've been using solus about a week and i'm really like it, Thankyou Dev team, and dont forget about your health.
Lucien_Lachance just tried gnome again (3.34.2) it seems a lot more stable and usable than the one that was introduced when this topic was started. was that 3.34.0 ?
Justin Lucien_Lachance It's in the article in the OP, but yes, 3.34.0 was the upgrade done when the post was made.
dakyskye I'm late to the party, but, where's KDE Plasma edition? I mean I can't find it on download page (
just dakyskye ...where's KDE Plasma edition? Solus Plasma (Testing edition) is currently at: The direct link to Solus Plasma ISO (Testing edition) is: