Hi dear Solus team,

thank you for your great work and for keeping development pace.
I am wondering though, whether it is possible for you to update the roadmap of yours:

By now it seems pretty much outdated. I am especially curious about the new package manager "sol" and about the new software center. Any updates about that would be highly appreciated. 😀

Thank you & best regards

The answer will most likely be NO.

Last statement I read was, Life comes first and the plan has not changed. Just moved further into the future.
There are no serious issues and all packages are up to date. So when the dev's find spare time they will anxiously be hack'in away. 🙂

If they made any update to the roadmap I suspect it would be to remove any time indication it just creates more questions when ultimately the answer is, its done when its done.

Last time this was asked:

Thanks for the replies so far. I get it, real life comes first and all in all almost everything is working in a meaningful way for me. The only issue I have with the current generation of package manager/ software center the 3rd party app integration. It is frustrating that there is no option, that liberates the user from manually checking for updates.

What I mean is, e.g.:
If I install Google Chrome via 3rd party apps and there is a security update released to Chrome, I will not be notified, there is no auto-update, I just will continue running a potentially insecure piece of software until I open manually the software center and check for updates. Also it just triggers then an install without any progress or information about the update itself. This is the kind of UX which could really need some love.

Please don't get me wrong, not complaining, just explaining what keeps me so far from recommending Solus to friends and family. Not everyone reads changelogs after all 😁 Happy to brainstorm for minimal effort ideas how this could be improved as quickfix (e.g. a simple online service which compares at least weekly the hash of the latest offered version)

    majamee I use Google Chrome from the third party as well, but I do not share you sentiment in regards to running potentially insecure software. No software is ever 100% secure. But to minimize the risks feel free to do what I do as it's rather simple and I shall explain briefly and quickly!
    Check out https://chromereleases.googleblog.com/ OR https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Chrome to check what the latest version of Google Chrome that is released. If you see a newer version on those sites than the one you currently have, then you know it's time to update! Generally I'd say Chrome updates every 3 weeks or so, but that's never concrete.
    Now once you know you've got an update waiting, instead of using Software Center to update where you don't really know what it's doing, I use the terminal, Tilix specifically, but any terminal will suffice. You can follow the steps to update over at https://getsol.us/articles/software/third-party/en/ and choose the software accordingly, so in this case to update Google Chrome from the terminal you would do two commands, one at a time.

    sudo eopkg bi --ignore-safety https://raw.githubusercontent.com/getsolus/3rd-party/master/network/web/browser/google-chrome-stable/pspec.xml
    sudo eopkg it google-chrome-*.eopkg;sudo rm google-chrome-*.eopkg

    Doing so will show you as the package is being downloaded, installed, and removed! I do this check once a week, typically during the Friday sync time so I'm relatively up to date. Hope this helps!

    @Scotty-Trees Thank you for your instructions. I am rather a fan of RSS feeds and for myself it is not even the problem, but as explained, this situation is what keeps me from recommending Solus as go-to Linux Distro for my not so tech-savvy friends & family 😉 #wouldyourmothergetyourinstructions 😉

    @majamee If you are lazy you can create a systemd service & timer to run weekly the commands @Scotty-Trees provided. This way chrome would get updated without any user intervention.

    But if is it for not so tech-savy people, they just want their website to open so make them a favor and keep them away from the GAFAM, just let them use Firefox which is the default browser !

    I completely agree with kyrios when it comes to the Browser, but I also have to say that the integration of third party apps into the Software Center and their update process leave a lot to be desired. But since it's technically deprecated (we just don't have the replacement yet) that's something that can be excused (also I lack the time, skill and knowledge required to fix it).

    Thanks for all the input. I think this topic is really hopefully closed and addressed when a new version of software center is released.
    Nevertheless I wanted to point out, that for me personally it is no issue at all with the browser, but I wanted to point out flaws in the user experience aka UX. It is common knowledge that there is more than 1 web browser out there, but I also get the strong feeling that a few of you cannot imagine how demanding people who rely on your tech support can be. E.g.: Tried already once to switch my mum to Firefox and explained it to hear patiently and made it as directly accessible as possible. A few weeks pass and I get a call from her telling me, that Google is deleted from her machine and she cannot access the Internet therefore. 😃
    I am a big fan of Linux and FOSS in general and like to convert a few people, as I have the feeling it is superior by now. Of course I can even write my own scripts and run them as CRON job from time to time. Nevertheless, if I don't have the feeling that being user friendly, especially to newcomers isn't part of the core philosophy of a project, I won't recommend it any more. Personally I love living on the bleeding edge, but not for the people who rely on my tech support from time to time. It needs to just work then, as I have other duties and limited time.

    Sorry for the long post, think all I want to say is: Solus is a project with huge potential, but at least in its current state its focus doesn't seem to be to remove rough edges. This is fine for me, especially if the alternative is slowing down the project's pace, but thought a little UX feedback would be welcome. 😉

    It's not that nobody wants to remove the rough edges, it's just really hard in some cases and/or requires a lot of time to do so.
    In any case, since you're interested in a smoother 3rd party update experience, there is this little tool:
    I've seen a few people talk about it, but I haven't used it myself. Should make the whole experience a bit better, but of course it's not as good as direct integration into the Software Center. (Also I think there is an issue with the updating of Android Tools at the moment. That's a package that used to be exclusive to the third party repository, but has since landed, in improved form, in the main repository, albeit with a lower release number, which prompts eopkg3p to replace it with the "newer" version from the 3rd party repo)

    Prepare for an unpopular opinion. After Ikey's departure Solus is in the maintenance mode. Roadmap is just a list of good wishes I'm afraid.

      Thanks for pointing that out, I am glad this project continues and I appreciate the job everyone is doing here, but that sums up my impression as well.

      Also last blog post is from April https://getsol.us/blog/

      EbonJaeger Good to see the development is not staling and the new forum is also nice, but it is a difference notable since Ikey is gone as he also did the project for a while pretty much full time. So understandable. 😉

        Never let facts get in the way of forming a contradictory option.


        An thats just 3 things related to Solus's development.

        But theres no blog post / iso refresh or the long awaited software center rewrite so.... whinge whinge whinge

        People who think ikey was the be all an end all of this project are fools who never really paid attention to its development in the first place.

          majamee but it is a difference notable since Ikey is gone as he also did the project for a while pretty much full time.

          Is it though? I certainly don't feel like that. Solus made more strides in the months after Ikey's departure than in much of the year before it, far as I can tell.

          Harvey So, when talking about facts, please feel free to point out where in my comments I started to quote you: "whinge whinge whinge"? Feels offensive the way you write and that is not the way to treat constructive criticism is it?

            Oh please...

            Constructive criticism? Where? You complained about the last blog post date. An ignore actual development work being done. I have no idea where the logic behind blog post date being an indicator of project health comes from. It makes zero sense.

            You want to talk about insulting? It's insulting to the developers and maintainers of this project that you dismiss their work as "maintenance mode" which is a statement you said you agreed with despite it being demonstrably not true.

            An while the "whinge whinge whinge" wasn't directly at you, notice i didn't reply to an individual it was a general statement about people who complain about progress being made and no new blog posts in x months... If the shoe fits...

              c432 We aren't in maintenance mode. If you pay any attention to the weekly syncs that would be abundantly clear. The Roadmap is a list of goals and the months were guidelines on how long we things different things will take. They aren't deadlines. Nor are we remotely upset about "missing" them. All of us contribute part-time, and unfortunately I'm simultaneously working on a PhD which has taken up way more of my time this year than it did last year.

              But saying we are in maintenance mode is an insult to the maintainers who have been dutifully updating existing packages, adding many new ones since the start of the year, and working through many long-standing bugs for both hardware and software. It's also an insult to all of the development work that Josh and I have done this year, on top of both having full-time jobs in addition to Solus. I'm sorry that we aren't living up to your expectations of a constant stream of social media posts hyping everything that we do, but that's hardly reflective of just how much work has been done around here. Ikey's departure wasn't the death of the project, it was just the start of a new era in its history.

                Harvey PS: When talking about facts, please check them yourself before pasting any random links for github. Did you really compare the numbers? E.g.: https://github.com/solus-project/budgie-desktop/graphs/contributors

                2,209 commits 274,315 ++
                167 commits 7,624 ++

                So you are proving my point. I am happy to have a professional discussion anytime, but your reaction seems more guided by feelings than facts as it seems. Also to put it as simple as that, if one developer leaves a project it loses 1 dev in manpower, so the difference should be notable always.

                DataDrake Thank you for your great work and good luck with your PhD thesis. I hope I haven't been disrespectful, because I am actually a fan of your work.

                  majamee ikeydoherty
                  2,209 commits 274,315 ++
                  167 commits 7,624 ++

                  And Ikey worked on Budgie a lot longer than Josh, so that metric is misleading. 🙂