I recommend to copy tho whole module folder to the /usr/src/ directory.
Afterwards navigate into it. ( /usr/src/binder)
I'd also recommend to run the commands not as root user. Instead run them as a normal user using sudo (and only should they request root.
Sadly I am not the best at fixing problems from afar, but I try my best.
For better readability please try to format terminal commands as code.
> @mqnoy#17283
> root@lnxqnoy /usr/src # make
> make -C /lib/modules/5.2.2-122.current/build V=0 M=$PWD
> make[1]: *** /lib/modules/5.2.2-122.current/build: No such file or directory. Stop.
> make: *** [Makefile:8: all] Error 2
This is where the error occurs. Apparently you are missing the file /lib/modules/5.2.2-122.current/build .
Do you have build tools installed? Go to the software center and search for make (and maybe cmake).
Maybe someone else can help us navigate the problem.