I'm planning on buying an RX 5700. Once the kernel 5.3 is released, will I be able to install Solus on that PC from the current Budgie iso and then somehow eopkg up, from a tty maybe? Or will it not even install at all and I will have to wait for a new iso?

    Justin Nice try. 😁 On the other hand, if you really need someone to make tests, I'll be happy to help as soon as I build the PC. I was planning on waiting for confirmation that Solus Budgie can be installed before buying it, confirmation that I'm unlikely to get before October I guess. But if it can help to get it earlier for testing I'm up for it. Let me know.

      polomi atm Budgie iso is bugged and you won't install from it. As I mentioned I did install it from Gnome iso and then added Budgie DE. ASRock 5700xt owner here.

        WhiteWolf Ah thanks I skipped this. Can you transition from Gnome to Budgie cleanly or does it end up with a mess of installed Gnome dependencies? Anyway, that's satisfying enough, at least temporarily!

          polomi Budgie and GNOME have fairly close ties as they're both GTK and both editions use a very similar set of applications. So you shouldn't have any issues having both installed when it comes to it.

          a month later

          Linux 5.3 is out. I still don't have the RX 5700, but it should be available soon according to the retailers. Is there any chance of a 4.1 iso once the kernel is upgraded in Solus, to ease installation for people who bought into AMD Navi?

            polomi Is there any chance of a 4.1 iso once the kernel is upgraded in Solus

            We will be releasing a new version of Solus when our requirements for the release are satisfied, ETAs are not given. You are welcome to check our development tracker as well as search for previous posts if you are curious what those are. We are aware that for a very small subset of users with brand new hardware, installation may currently prove problematic. This is always going to be the case no matter what operating system you use. You're always going to run into instances that, until a new release is made of that operating system and assuming available hardware support in the kernel + drivers, new hardware will be problematic during installation. Whether that's AMD, Intel, or NVIDIA hardware.

              JoshStrobl We will be releasing a new version of Solus when our requirements for the release are satisfied, ETAs are not given. You are welcome to check our development tracker as well as search for previous posts if you are curious what those are.

              My understanding is that the answer is no then, or at least that any release would be coincidental with other goals, and not aimed specifically at this. Which is fine, not complaining. Thanks for the detailed answer though!

              JoshStrobl We are aware that for a very small subset of users with brand new hardware, installation may currently prove problematic. This is always going to be the case no matter what operating system you use. You're always going to run into instances that, until a new release is made of that operating system and assuming available hardware support in the kernel + drivers, new hardware will be problematic during installation. Whether that's AMD, Intel, or NVIDIA hardware.

              Yes, for sure. I wasn't under any other impression. 🙂

              I'll still be happy to make any tests if it can help the Solus team in some way. Feel free to ask whatever you think might be helpful. I should have the GPU in a couple of weeks.

                polomi I can guarantee that 5.3.1 or newer will be on the next ISO and will bring support for Navi dGPUs. When that will happen, I cannot say.

                  DataDrake Well I certainly wouldn't expect ISOs with 5.2.x kernels anymore at this point! 😁 In the meantime, I will use the trick mentioned above (i.e. install Solus using the Gnome edition, and then install Budgie on top).

                  18 days later

                  It's the weekend so I finally got around to try to install Solus! Unfortunately I can't do it. Both the Budgie and the Gnome iso end up with a blinking cursor. @WhiteWolf did you do anything specific to get past it?

                    I think it will also require Mesa 19.2 to work.

                      v3l0ct I don't think so. That would be only to play games and get good performance, right? But it wouldn't prevent the computer from booting and doing all the non intensive stuff. That's my understanding, please correct me if I'm wrong.

                      Mesa 19.2.1 is a week or so away, so two weeks from being in Solus anyway. Not too long.

                        polomi Not 100% sure, I run Arch on one of my other computers so i read their forums and from what I read people have updated: Kernel 5.3, Mesa 19.2, LLVM 9 and updated firmware with Navi 10 support. Of course, that's on Arch so please take it for what it is.

                        Jumpy I don't get to the install part, I have the blinking cursor before, while running off the USB stick. I see some boot messages, then the text login prompt, then the blinking cursor. So I think it's different from you.

                        However, reading your post tipped me off, I realized that it's a new PC and besides setting the RAM XPM, I didn't fiddle with Bios settings. It means I probably had secure boot activated? I need to check on this as a possible cause. EDIT: Well, secure boot wasn't the issue, it was already disabled by default.

                        Further information about my system that could be relevant:

                        • Bootable stick created with Gnome MultiWriter
                        • GPU: Sapphire Pulse RX 5700
                        • CPU : Ryzen 3600
                        6 days later

                        I have the exact same setup, and the same result. I think waiting is the only thing we can do 😉

                          Ranmaero Yeah, shouldn't be long now. It seems like the only thing missing before a new iso is moving to Fastly servers.

                            polomi That's not going to magically get you 5.3, we reverted from 5.3 to 5.2.x because it broke a bunch of NVIDIA systems.