Version 0.8 is out which now support Budgie DE. Please report back for missing icons.

Version 0.10 (beta 1) is out!

Fully tested on
Solus (Gnome)
Solus (Budgie DE)
Zorin OS (Gnome)
PopOS (Cosmic DE)

Don't ask me for Ubuntu Budgie support, with snap packages makes it impossible to theme -_-

Version 0.14 is out! The major news with this update is that XFCE is supported.

Tested on Solus - XFCE

I'll see if I can port it to KDE without so much hassle, but no promises. KDE is in a transition when it comes to icons at the moment, which gives a lot of headache for icon themers.

Version 1.1 is out!

NOTE: KDE/PLASMA support is experimental. Known issues are messed up notification area and preferences/settings icons.

(God knows how do I fix it shrugs)

There are 3 version of the icon set

Default = As seen on the pictures
Uniformed icon set = Same color tag on all the icons.
No Tags icon set = No Color tags on the icons

Version 1.3 is out.
Full KDE support.

KDE/PLASMA support needs the Black Sun helping package to solve the tray icons problem. Open its index file and edit Inherits (line 3) to which theme it shall point to.

Black Sun - No Tags

Black Sun - Uniformed

It would be really cool If I could get you to include Bleachbit and Tor icons with this , it would round out my desktop and dock icons!

    Version 1.4 and version 1.5 is out! Get it via github.

    Version 1.5

    Better KDE support
    Better XFCE support
    Games: (Steam) The Last Spell,
    Added: Bluefish, Amarok, Clementine,
    Added: Akregator, Sly, kazam, Virt Manager,
    Added: Bleachbit, Tor browser,
    Fixed: Waveform11, Scummvm

    Version 1.4

    Better Cinnamon support
    Added: FreeOffice, 4k Videodownloader,
    Added: 4k YoutubetoMP3, XNView MP,
    Added: XNConvert, Ubuntu Cleaner,
    Added: Xournal++, Dconf, OpenRGB, Logseq,
    Added: Minder, Planify, Scribus, Secrets,
    Added: Timeshift, LibreCAD, Blanket,
    Fixed: Settings icons, RedEclipse,
    Fixed: World of Padman, Mixxx, Homebank,

    The upcoming version 2.0 of "Black Sun" icon theme has huge changes to KDE where the 16-22px are switched to monochrome icons. It's done because the default icons of Black Sun was hard to see their symbols. I estimate that version 2.0 is ready in the weekend

    Version 2.0 is out. Vastly improve the KDE experience and other DE's that uses 16-22px icons. Also the huge work on the mimetype icons front has begone (work in progess).

    Version 2.0

    NEW: 16-22px monochrome icons
    Better KDE support
    More mimetype icons
    Games: (Steam) Skyrim - Special Edition,
    Added: Kcolorchooser, k3b, Filezilla, Etcher,
    Fixed: Flatseal, Enve,

    4 days later

    I'm working on a round version of Black Sun. It's going to take awhile.