
  • 13 hours ago
  • Joined 16 days ago
  • 0 best answers
  • I get what he is saying, does it to me too, for some reason Solus likes to change the boot loader so that it is always first to boot no matter how many times you change the boot order. Does it to me too, don't suppose if anyone would know why or how to correct it?

    Not enough to make me ditch the OS though .... LOL

  • It would be really cool If I could get you to include Bleachbit and Tor icons with this , it would round out my desktop and dock icons!

    • Icons by SethStorm666

      New To Solus (about a month) , loving it , probably gonna be my daily driver when I kick Windows to the curb.
      Looking to change the font colors in Terminal , haven't figured out how yet, can anyone give me a crash course?
      Just looking to change the blue fonts in Terminal to a burnt orange to match the desktop colors

      • I am using Budgie, In power settings my Screen Blank options are set to Never , Automatic Suspend is set to off. Screen still goes blank after locking.

      • Hi, I am fairly new to Solus , been running it for the last month or so, I am running the newest build 4.7 with the latest updates. The issue I am facing is with the lock screen. Every time I lock my screen a very short time later my screen will go black, I have to move or click my mouse to bring it back up. I do not want this to happen as I would like to have my screen stay on and cannot find a way to make this happen.

        Any help would be appreciated! thanks !