• Off-Topic
  • I'd like to create a discord for Solus

brent absolutely! If most of the admins couldn't do it, I'd be more than happy to add in volunteers! Having some people from the team would be useful for those moments where there's an update and they'd like to describe it in depth, but alot can be achieved by a simple copy and paste.

Harvey at the expense of not knowing, might I ask the reasoning behind such a hard answer?

    there you have it ^ 👍️ .

    there might be other organic ways to raise profile, though.

    Because we do not want to admin yet another sever splitting the community over even more locations. We have forums, mastodon, reddit and matrix. That is enough and no sane project would want to advertise a comms platform they are not moderating themselves.

      Harvey fair enough!!! But I will point this out. Being that the Solus team is taking such awesome efforts to update the OS and migrate over to a new core to keep everything up to date, why not follow a similar principle with something like matrix? It is rather outdated, some people may be put off at signing up for something like that when they already have reddit, discord, Facebook, etc.

      In other words, if you don't want to spread your wings far, why not dissolve something like matrix and add in discord which would Garner even more people, which could add to valuable support and contributions

      If you look at it from a certain point of view, you could have potentially even less to manage. with discord, you could basically combine matrix and the forums here into one.

      We are happy with Matrix which is not an old platform its pretty new. Regardless we are happy with our choices if people don't want to join us that is their decision and we won't argue with them.

        Harvey I agree that it's ultimately the teams choice. Everyone has said their piece. Regardless, I think opportunity is being missed here. I wish the Solus team well in expanding people's awareness!

        Harvey We have forums, mastodon, reddit and matrix. That is enough

        True, more then enough.
        You don't have to jump through every hoop that's thrown at you.
        Quality over quantity must always be the priority.

        I would "like" a Solus server, But having been a long-time gamer, as well as an admin, "Ambassador" (for items that no one wants to reject/sponsor, let alone take responsibility for) contact, council member, ect.... What Harvey said, especially that last little nugget.