Harvey AlphaElwedritsch where does fastfetch get its information from? /etc/os-release the file belonging to the baselayout package that we can not update until the epoch repo is in place. Work is underway to allow us to update this information without updating the baselayout package.
Downsite 'Users with the proprietary NVIDIA drivers and the 6.10 kernel may experience a black screen or errors on a black screen after waking the system from sleep' <- Seems that I am in this situation. Is there an issue somewhere that I could follow to get information on this?
Staudey Downsite I think these two: https://github.com/getsolus/packages/issues/4048 https://github.com/getsolus/packages/issues/1054 But there have been some discussions on Matrix related to the 6.10 (and up) kernel specifically that don't seem to be reflected in the issue tickets.
ReillyBrogan Staudey at this point I'm not investing too much time into Plasma 6.1 debugging since Plasma 6.2 is almost upon us (I actually don't have a plasma 6.1 system to test with anymore). It's likely that some issues of that nature might be resolved by the upcoming version, if not we can look further at that point.
Harvey I mentioned this yesterday in another thread but posting it here for more visibility. Sync has been deferred to give additional time for testing of Gnome 47.1, Kernel 6.11.5, nvidia driver improvements etc.
nolan here buddy Harvey Sync has been deferred to give additional time for testing of Gnome 47.1, Kernel 6.11.5, nvidia driver improvements etc.
alfisya AlphaElwedritsch One sync after. After Gnome 47.1 and kernel 6.11 goes to stable, Plasma 6.2.x goes to unstable.
unclemez alfisya sync? where sync? what sync? I've not seen a sync post nor a sync popup ... are we using the same too much perfect Solus?
majunia28 Hi. I'm using a fresh install of Solus 4.6 and everything looks snappy and good on my laptop, but streamlink looks like doesn't work. VLC closed after a few seconds starting the command line. (VLC it's working with local files videos). ¿Usr-Merge thing?