smoothly updated on xfce

Although the updates were applied smoothly, I didn't realize that the problem with losing the network after a hibernation still persists. So, the hibernate funtion is meaningless. I can shut a computer down at night, and accompllish the same thing - either way, I have to restart everything in the morning.

I know my memory isn't perfect, but I could swear I solved this problem a little while ago. Seems like it's back.

I have come with many issues, but most of them were solved.

I have this remaining problem :

sep 29 14:10:25 systemd-logind[1010]: Failed to connect to system bus: No such file or directory
sep 29 14:10:25 systemd-logind[1010]: Failed to fully start up daemon: No such file or directory
sep 29 14:10:25 systemd[1]: Failed to start systemd-logind.service - User Login Management.


root@solus / # clr-boot-manager update
No kernels detected on system to update

    jacojacker What is the last thing you configured on this system? Did you change desktop environment? Install something weird from outside the repository?

      Staudey Yes, installed Ollama and being on ADM GPU started installing RoCM.

      Not sure if that was the case.

      Although I have managed to get it working the old "windows" way. Reinstalled, updated, and everything went back to normal. (I had my /home on another disk) Thanks!


        while updating budgie laptop it got to installingmariadb-common and eopkg presented me with a prompt: "Re-install same version of package? (yes/no)"

        I hit YES and updated finished successfully.
        QUESTION: Nothing to see here?
        thank you!

          jacojacker Yes, installed Ollama

          Ah well, that'll do it. There was someone on Matrix who also had issues with the ollama installer (or maybe that was you?)

            Staudey no one has seen the weird solus stuff I've seen...born under a bad sign perhaps..


            Is it possible to update Virtualbox to 7.1.2? There are lots of bug fixes.



              I got the same message during my update for Plasma. I anwered, "yes" as well and no harm seemed to result. I no longer remember which package it was in reference to on my system, but I distinctly remember that message.

                WetGeek thank you for confirming this. like you, I have to assume this meant nothing.

                cherry-picked discord 0.0.70

                Harvey i just synced this cherry pick and saw that my bash got updated to 5.2.32, release 83.

                Is the bash update correct?
                I'm asking because bash was not specified in your list of cherry-picks.

                Thank you.

                  All went fine for me on Plasma and im getting used to discover.
                  I like it, don
                  t care much about the size of the updates.

                  Harvey got the updates for FF and Bash and rebooted. thanks!

                    brent got the updates for FF and Bash and rebooted

                    Did you check the version numbers after your "updates"? In order to get the update for Vivaldi, I needed to use --reinstall when I updated. Else, I just got a message telling me that it was already installed, and wouldn't be installed again. Apparently not all of the numbers in the version are significant to eopkg.