I'm sure this has already been answered and I most likely missed it.. When snap is removed, is the migration going to remove any apps that may be installed? Or is that something I need to do manually? I got most of my users migrated (friends and family) away from snaps ages ago, but curious if there's anything I need to do for cleanup prior?
Dropping AppArmor Kernel Patches
this did not got go un-noticed and was featured at the top of Jesse's weekly (bi-weekly) Linux News report of 7/15.
Link please
I am not sure whether deinstallation of installed snaps will happen automatically.
But i kind of remind having read somewhere that there is a helper tool for this involved named unsnap. If I remember right this script or whatever it is aims to detect installed snaps, tries to find the flatpak alternative and offers to replace the snap with the flatpak.
At least, that is my understanding.
I further believe we have unsnap already in the repo.
I startet removing snaps weeks ago.
I've never used snaps, always and since ever flats.
Find it more easy and intuitive.
Removing snap was a good discission.
I've never used GNOME. Removing GNOME would be a good decision.
If you really want to know how punk rock this was, and how forward-thinking this move by our devs was then read this article. It explained things to me on a deeper level than our general announcement. The subtitle is hyperbole but a lot of gaps are filled in here.
Better you post links then screenshot snippets
- Edited
AlphaElwedritsch I gave you enough breadcrumbs...
Thank you @carlberger