Yay! I finally got to try it as well! I like it!
I like the muted look. The interface is simple yet functional.
I love the customization options!! The remove function is a bit strange though, it removes the whole element group instead of only the currently selected element. @ludouzi will you keep this behaviour? Just asking.
I miss some elements not having titles, I wish Library Tree would have a text saying "Library" at the top. For now it's alright though.
I'm actually missing a Search function in the library. That would be nice to have! Again, for now it's alright.
What User_007 said. I wish there could be a way to clear playlists when adding files. I wish there was a Add Files (but Clear Playlist first) option and an Enqueue (Add New Files to Current Playlist but keep the old files) option.
@ludouzi what do you think of my ideas? Are they good? Do they suck? Should I make Feature Requests on GitHub?
Thank you for making this great player! 🙏
@androidnisse Thank you mate! I'm so happy you're making this available for us! It's such a treat! : )