Bhibb yes that seems to work nicely as a workaround. just a bit inconvenient.
on an unrelated matter, anyone got emojis in plasma notifications ? im just getting squares
Plasma 6 Megathread
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[deleted] I added the upstream qbittorrent fix to our package and it will be in the next sync.
Lucien_Lachance I added the upstream fix to our kf6-solid package and it should be in the next sync.
Thank both of you for doing the legwork of linking to the appropriate issues so I could just follow the links to get the fixes.
ReillyBrogan thank you!
great work as always, much appreciated
ReillyBrogan could i just sudo eopkg it
It probably will fail since it depends on a newer glibc package than you have installed. You could try installing that glibc package too and it'll probably work. You're not likely to break your system or anything by trying this, the main issue is that eopkg won't let you install a package if it depends on something else updated on unstable and it'll just throw an error until you add that updated package to your transaction.
ah ic, ill see tomorrow, not sure i could face another potential issue just before bedtime
ReillyBrogan You're the one doing the hard work, searching for information is the least we could do.
Thank you! : )
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I can't say how long this bug has been there because I rarely use it, but kcolorchooser (alone) won't let me pick a screen color under wayland, but it does if used within an application.
No problemo under x11.
Is it happening all the time or only sometimes? I have a similiar problem with Wine. I use HeidiSQL and only sometimes, when a Popup is opened it doesn't register mouse inputs. Then I have to close the popup using the keyboard.
sangheeta I can't say how long this bug has been there because I rarely use it, but kcolorchooser (alone) won't let me pick a screen color under wayland, but it does if used within an application.
This is an upstream bug. There is a bug filed in the KColorChooser repo for this.
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At last, I'm on Solus - Plasma 6. As a long time Gnome and Budgie user there's some new stuff to learn. It has though soem quarks still, but nothing serious.
The way KDE uses icons are a bit different than other DE's, so if I have to migrate my icon packages to KDE it will take a huge amount of time and learning.
But overall a pleasent experience, especially how Plasma works now and it doesn't feel so heavy as Gnome at the same time.
By the way, I haven't figured out on how to remove the upper left icon(s) in the windows decoration, it seems that feature is missing.
SethStorm666 I haven't figured out on how to remove the upper left icon(s) in the windows decoration
you can remove those with the default decorations(system settings > colors & themes > window decoration > configure titlebar buttons (this is in the top right of the window, next to 'get new'))
, but custom ones like the one you are using is probably different, you may have to edit the text file belonging to the theme
Found it, thanks!
Hello again,
There's an app in KDE that is called kwrite that I like to remove as I'm using OnlyOffice to do stuff. I have been looking through the software center to see if I could spot it, but I couldn't see it. Is it possible to uninstall kwrite?
is part of kate
Ah, then I leave it alone. I do like kate.
Anyone else can confirm that the transparency/translucent/opacity of Plasma panels is broken? No matter what themes and options I pick they still solid. As shown on the picture they should be transparent.
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Yes, it doesn't look great. I've read that disabling Blur in desktop effects can help, but opacity is everywhere after so we have to set transparency to Opaque in Global Theme/Application Style. (Yes that's complicated!)
Also there is Panel Transparency Button
ive got transparency...
Are you using the default plasma theme?