Might be a kernel bug. You should try booting into the previous kernel

    ReillyBrogan Thanks for suggesting this. I just rebooted into the previous kernel on my machine but the same issues persist: I cannot select 100hz on my monitor and I cannot logout of my session.

    ReillyBrogan So I realized that while I was gone on a trip for a week, that I had let someone else use my desk and monitor. Somehow they had set my Display port to 1.1 instead of 1.2, and once I set this back to 1.2 it miraculously solved both my issues of the missing 100hz (pretty obvious) and I know have the ability to logout as expected (not sure why the monitor would have anything to do with this).

    Somehow it's all working now. Thanks for troubleshooting with me.

    • [deleted]

    ReillyBrogan The issue is still present. I have done a bit more reading and it seems that it is connected to the presence of the tray icon. When the icon is disabled and I change download preferences then qBittorrent crashes, if I enable it then I can change download preferences and it won't crash. GitHub qBittorrent Issue #20604 (Closed), GitHub qBittorrent Issue #20627 (Open).

      rincor Yes I've seen the bug report. I don't know wether you are using Jetbrains Tools as well. But in case you have that problem also with those tools, I deactivated the New UI. So far I didn't have the bug again, but not enough time yet to say it's not happening anymore.

        I use the classic UI, but the bug is still there unfortunately.
        Hopefully it will resolved soon, though it was first reported in Dec.

        just installed solus plasma 6
        but i cant mount my luks encrypted external usb drive. which is a problem as it contains ALL my stuff.

        the disks and devices applet says "you are not authorized to mount this drive"

        and dolphin says " an error occured while accessing [drive id] the system responded: the object does not exist at path "/" "

        tried both x and wayland, and 2 different drives, both produce the same error. im guessing its something trivial, but ive never encountered this before


        edit: mounts no problem on my solus gnome laptop
        edit 2: can mount it if unlocking the drive in kde partition manager first

          I have encountert such a problem in past. Haven't digged into it. But if I remember right it does not occur with identical username.
          You have a different user name on your Solus GNOME Laptop?

            Lucien_Lachance I literally just had this problem starting this week. My workaround was to install gnome-disk-utility and decrypt the drive through the GUI there. Once decrypted, it mounts for me (my 14TB backup drive is mounted this way).

              Bhibb yes that seems to work nicely as a workaround. just a bit inconvenient.
              on an unrelated matter, anyone got emojis in plasma notifications ? im just getting squares

              [deleted] I added the upstream qbittorrent fix to our package and it will be in the next sync.

              Lucien_Lachance I added the upstream fix to our kf6-solid package and it should be in the next sync.

              Thank both of you for doing the legwork of linking to the appropriate issues so I could just follow the links to get the fixes.

                It probably will fail since it depends on a newer glibc package than you have installed. You could try installing that glibc package too and it'll probably work. You're not likely to break your system or anything by trying this, the main issue is that eopkg won't let you install a package if it depends on something else updated on unstable and it'll just throw an error until you add that updated package to your transaction.

                  • [deleted]

                  ReillyBrogan You're the one doing the hard work, searching for information is the least we could do.

                  Thank you! : )

                  8 days later

                  I can't say how long this bug has been there because I rarely use it, but kcolorchooser (alone) won't let me pick a screen color under wayland, but it does if used within an application.
                  No problemo under x11.