elfprince Any other distribution will probably have the same problem. The 128k limit is set by the Linux kernel as far as I know (and is not tunable). Depending on your firmware, the filesystem filling up is not actually an issue.
You could try to find out what the large variables are, and see what they actually do (do not delete/modify any files):
find /sys/firmware/efi/efivars -type f -exec wc -c {} \; | sort -n | tail -n10
Any safe solutions to increase the directory size or prune some things from it?
Cleaning these up is probably something that has to be done through the system firmware. Something I can think of is to see if your system has a BIOS/firmware update available, and perform that. Make notes and a backup of your customized BIOS settings and be prepared to perform a boot rescue/restore your system from backup.