In the meantime, I have managed to install simple-scan in flatpak version after uninstalled that of the Software Center) and there, from the launch of the application, it tells me the following message:
"Aucun périphérique de numérisation détecté." (No detected scanning device.)
while my printer is properly connected to a USB port on my computer.

Below, the logs when startup the application in a terminal session:

administrateur@solus-budgie ~ $ flatpak run org.gnome.SimpleScan
Gtk-Message: 13:55:21.304: Failed to load module "xapp-gtk3-module"
Gtk-Message: 13:55:21.334: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Gtk-Message: 13:55:21.334: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
administrateur@solus-budgie ~ $ 

So I uninstalled it and reinstalled the Software Center version while waiting.

the canberr stuff is normal.
have you tried gscan2pdf in our repo?

    I have been full circle so many times on this because its not a real clear issue
    Tried running hp-check -t or -r on my hp laser/no scan their was so much stuff and errors could not
    tell anything concrete.
    In the log she posted its says device busy error if the printer isnt showing that in display its going to be a software thing.
    Have not connected dots yet.


      The installation of gscan2pdf generated 36 packages.

      The launch of the application generated the following message:

      (but the pdftk package does not exist in the Software Center)

      Then arrived on the interface, when scanning the 2nd page, the following error message appears:

      but the page is well scanned.

      Please note:

      • The quality of scanning of pages with gscan2pdf is less good than with Skanpage

      • gscan2pdf allows you to scan the image of a webcam.


        Below, the result of these terminal commands:

        I'm not sure what to do with these results. Some packages are already installed, others are not on the Software Center.

        The last document (2 pages) I scanned with simple-scan dates back to 01/08/2024 and I don't remember having changed anything after that date concerning my print/scanner.

        That's why I'm asking a expert person to help me find a solution to this problem.
        Thanks by advance.

          penny-farthing From what I know really dont see an issue with that listing.
          And from other file the busy error why its not scanning 2nd page.
          I think hplip has been updated since then maybe thats it an update.
          Be nice if we could roll back hplip

          penny-farthing thats the normal warnings for gscan. Congratulations you can scan! that app has saved me a couple times.

          also before epson made a flatpak for my scanner I used gscan to 'jack' it up. Apps that didn't work-like you are going through--all of a sudden worked. thru some x's and o's sorcery I imagined it 'opened up the pipe' so better scanners coulde see it.

          I got the point I'd launch gscan then quit it because apps that didn't work now worked. I know that's weird.

          If gscan is not the quality you want find something calledXsane and install it. That bailed me out too when solus and scanners didn't talk (well) and has mega super advance settings. more buttons to play with than I have time for.

          often if the repo packages didn't work for you (they did not work for me) you don't have to work with them. there's always something else on the outside.

          Axios What do you mean? Is it related to this thread? Or are you having different problem? If it is different problem, lets make another forum post or file an issue on github. If it is related to this thread, I don't think hplip matters much because this is more related to SANE. But you can just download the.eopkg file of hplip from the run sudo eopkg nameofthepackage.eopkg to rollback.

            alfisya Na it was related to this thread was just wondering if hplip could be rolled back
            You are prob right.
            Thanx for reply


            Bingo, let me explain.

            From this day (01/08/2024) I scanned a 2-page document withsimple-scan, 3 updates were produced for the packages hplip and hplip-drivers:

            - 02/16/2024  v 3.23.5-56-1  -> v 3.23.12-57-1
            - 02/24/2024  v 3.23.12-57-1 -> v 3.23.12-58-1
            - 03/07/2024  v 3.23.12-58-1 -> v 3.23.12-59-1

            NB. The previous update then dates back to 07/29/2023.

            I tested each version, from the most recent to the one that took place before my last scan.

            I was this one that worked, by typing the following terminal command:
            sudo eopkg it hplip-3.23.5-56-1-x86_64.eopkg hplip-drivers-3.23.5-56-1-x86_64.eopkg
            and then reboot.

            An important (and surprising) note: I was able to scan a 2-page document using a single page (Page unique) instead of multiple pages from a flat scanner (Pages multiples depuis un numériseur à plat)!

            I hope I've made my observations as clear as possible, and thank you in advance for your feedback.

              penny-farthing Interesting
              Something between the two hplip and sane but at least it works now for you.

                brent Its always that one question you ask or that one thing that a person says that
                makes the light bulb go on for someone.

                • [deleted]

                Note that if your HP device requires the proprietary plugin, it needs to be reinstalled every time HPLIP version number changes.


                  As requested, I've report my last observations into the GitHub issue.

                  Concerning the ping, how do I proceed please?

                  • where can I find the ip address of my scanner printer? (terminal command?)

                  • if you need to use a specific syntax for the terminal ping command to precise the result, please let me know;

                  • should I simply copy the result as a comment into the Github issue, indicating that it concerns TraceyC, otherwise could you please tell me how to proceed?

                  Thank you in advance for your indulgence, because I do not yet master certain computer knowledge.

                    penny-farthing I think you misunderstood me. I only ask that you mention/ping TraceyC (She is the maintainer of hplip) in github issue (like you mention my username on github). It is not related to networking at all. 😅


                      Since nearly 4 years I work with Solus on my computer, I've just installed the packages hplip and hplip-drivers and I use simple-scan for scanning my documents without any problems until recently, as explained in this post.