
Sorry, but for me, after install the package sane-airscan, then reboot, there is not another scanner named : "eSCL - Your Printer" in the drop-down menu:

At your disposal if needed.

NB. I have a print scanner HP Officejet 2622 which use the print pilot HP Officejet 2620 series.

    penny-farthing A few question :

    • What are the options available for you in the drop-down menu BEFORE and AFTER you installed `sane-airscan?
    • How do you connect your computer to the printer/scanner?
    • Can you give me your output of simple-scan --debug while replicating the problem?


      1/ options available for you in the drop-down menu BEFORE and AFTER install sane-airscan

      when startup simple-scan:

      after click in the drop-menu:

      2/ I use a cable with a USB port (this print/scanner is not wifi enabled).


      • simple-scan --debug before install sane-airscan
      administrateur@solus-budgie ~ $ simple-scan --debug
      [+0,00s] DEBUG: simple-scan.vala:2015: Starting simple-scan 44.0, PID=3165
      [+0,00s] DEBUG: unsetenv() is not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created
      [+0,01s] DEBUG: Setting org.freedesktop.appearance.contrast of type u not found
      [+0,29s] DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation dconf (DConfSettingsBackend) for ‘gsettings-backend’
      [+0,32s] DEBUG: app-window.vala:2002: Loading state from /home/administrateur/.config/simple-scan/state
      [+0,32s] DEBUG: app-window.vala:1981: Restoring window to 600x480 pixels
      [+0,32s] DEBUG: app-window.vala:1985: Restoring window to maximized
      [+0,35s] DEBUG: scanner.vala:1619: sane_init () -> SANE_STATUS_GOOD
      [+0,35s] DEBUG: scanner.vala:1625: SANE version 1.0.30
      [+0,35s] DEBUG: scanner.vala:1686: Requesting redetection of scan devices
      [+0,35s] DEBUG: scanner.vala:863: Processing request
      [+0,47s] DEBUG: app-window.vala:2078: Saving state to /home/administrateur/.config/simple-scan/state
      [+5,82s] DEBUG: scanner.vala:348: sane_get_devices () -> SANE_STATUS_GOOD
      [+5,82s] DEBUG: scanner.vala:374: Device: name="hpaio:/usb/Officejet_2620_series?serial=CN3AV1GJV70600" vendor="Hewlett-Packard" model="Officejet_2620_series" type="all-in-one"
      [+19,52s] DEBUG: autosave-manager.vala:201: Deleting autosave records
      [+19,53s] DEBUG: scanner.vala:1807: Stopping scan thread
      [+19,53s] DEBUG: scanner.vala:863: Processing request
      [+19,53s] DEBUG: scanner.vala:1818: sane_exit ()
      administrateur@solus-budgie ~ $
      • simple-scan --debug after install sane-airscan
      administrateur@solus-budgie ~ $ simple-scan --debug
      [+0,00s] DEBUG: simple-scan.vala:2015: Starting simple-scan 44.0, PID=3770
      administrateur@solus-budgie ~ $

      Thanks in advance for your feedback.

        penny-farthing It doesn't look like you try to scan any document from the debug trace. I honestly don't know if this will help solving your problem or I will be able to solve it for you. But if you want to indulge me in this pursuit. Please try these steps :

        1. Uninstall sane-airscan. sudo eopkg rm --purge sane-airscan . Make sure it is not installed.
        2. Make sure sane-backends is installed.
        3. From terminal run simple-scan --debug
        4. Try scan a page with "Single Page" option.
        5. Try scan a page with "All Page from Feeder" option.
        6. Try scan a page with "Multiple Page From Flatbed" option.
        7. Close simple-scan.
        8. Post that log here.
        9. Now, install sane-airscan. Check if there is any other scanner in the dropdown-menu. If there isn't, just select the previous scanner.
        10. Redo Step number 3 until step number 8.

          Not trying to interupt this may be something to try at some point.

          Go to system printers and then your printer details and get the address of printer mine looked like this
          Brother MFC-J680DW.ipp.tcp.local.

          Then in terminal run (simple-scan airscan: Brother MFC-J680DW.ipp.tcp.local)
          I had 2 entries airscan and eSCL select airscan and see if that works.

          Just info

          Note I forgot my brother scanned dont use it to ink hungry but I tested the above and it worked
          for me

          Note might run (scanimage --list-devices) to make sure you have an airscan device listed


            The logs are substantial and I've recorded them by copy/paste into a .txt file via gedit.

            Problem: when importing the file into this post, the following message appears => "Uploading files of this type is not allowed."

            How can I report the results of the tests you asked me to carry out?

              penny-farthing I wasnt expecting that start simple-scan and see if changes the address
              if it does thats what you want where it says localhost. (let me know either way could make difference)
              It should change meaning it found the scanner.

              Note then close simple-scan and try that from terminal
              Oh type it just like it shows

              Thanks for the tip.

              Below, here are the result of the requested tests:

              1/ Steps 1 to 8

              Scan a page with "All Page from Feeder" option

              Scan a page with "Multiple Page From Flatbed" option

              2/ Steps 9 and 10

              Scan a page with "All Page from Feeder" option

              Scan a page with "Multiple Page From Flatbed" option

              Awaiting your analysis and thanking you in advance.

              @penny-farthing Sorry I will be not be able take a look at this for a few days. I made a big mistake on my PC. Cheers!

              P.S : Your link to pastebin is expired. Please choose appropriate "Expires" time and uncheck the "Burn after Reading", so the link last longer.

                penny-farthing Copy like a copy machine
                Like on mine if I need a copy of something I can do it from the printer itself.
                The reason being wanted to make sure it wasnt hardware from the log you posted.
                Does your printer have that feature.
                Printing doesnt use the scanning hardware.


                  My printer's menu includes a Copy function (black & white or color) with the option of setting the number of copies.

                  I tested this function by placing a document on the glass on top of the printer and asking for 2 copies. The document was printed as requested, with no downtime.

                    @penny-farthing Ok, I just got my computer back. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything different from your logs😢. I also just realize that sane-airscan is only useful if you connect your printer via network (Wifi/LAN). Maybe try connecting your printer via Wifi ? Then install sane-aircscan and see if simple-scan will show that "eSCL -Your Pinter Name" option in the drop down menu. This is the last one, I don't know any other solution. Maybe someone else have more knowledge on this than me. Sorry if this is not helpful after all. Cheers!


                      Unfortunately, I will not be able to follow up on your request, because my printer is not planned to operate in WiFi. I will therefore uninstall the sane-airscan package, since in my current config, it is not useful to me to keep it.

                      Thank you anyway for trying to help me.

                      I'm leaving this post open in case someone can suggest another way forward and I'll be using the Skanpage sofware in the meantime.

                      In the meantime, I have managed to install simple-scan in flatpak version after uninstalled that of the Software Center) and there, from the launch of the application, it tells me the following message:
                      "Aucun périphérique de numérisation détecté." (No detected scanning device.)
                      while my printer is properly connected to a USB port on my computer.

                      Below, the logs when startup the application in a terminal session:

                      administrateur@solus-budgie ~ $ flatpak run org.gnome.SimpleScan
                      Gtk-Message: 13:55:21.304: Failed to load module "xapp-gtk3-module"
                      Gtk-Message: 13:55:21.334: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
                      Gtk-Message: 13:55:21.334: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
                      administrateur@solus-budgie ~ $ 

                      So I uninstalled it and reinstalled the Software Center version while waiting.