dear all,
BUDGIE-desk: why is Nemo file manager not AUTOMATICALLY opening a new window when i plug in an usb-stick or usb-drive?
is anyone else having this behaviour?
how can i force Nemo to open a new window AUTOMATICALLY?
i tried all morning:
i launch nemo.
i plug in an usb.
a new window is not openend. i always have to right-click on the usb and select "open in a new window" manually.
i tried with Nemo standard-settings: these are all set correct!
tried to change all those settings.
tried to change all the "Removable Media" section in the "Budgie Control Center"
tried with different usb sticks and drives.
tried with different usb ports.
i even tried the SOLUS-Budgie ISO installer: and here is the same behaviour too: not opening a window AUTOMATICALLY.
is there somewhere a magic setting that i might have missed?