Kitty Terminal, Zsh and Starship prompt. Swaped the Solus logo with Budgie, and I really like the result

- Joined Jun 29, 2021
- 0 best answers
Shell: ZSH
Shell Theme: 4den
Terminal: Konsole
Color Scheme: Otto
Plugins: zsh-syntax-highlighting
- Edited
Solus Budgie
Theme=Matcha Dark Sea
Icons=Materia Manjaro Dark 2
Prompt=Starship Cross-Shell Prompt
System-Monitor=bpytopKeep up the great work devs!
Thank you for the work you do and giving us a great product.irc=mesaboogie
EDIT: I think I will try a blue gtk theme with this setup so that panel will blend better. =}
I keep things really simple! I use Alacritty (fast, stable, simple) with a color scheme I designed a while back.Playing with Tilix