@krauser I have had to use sudo eopkg hs -t
to rollback my system when I ruined things by messing with my audio drivers (JACK vs PulseAudio). I found it incredibly helpful. I feel super safe knowing I can just drop into the last kernel and do as @kyrios stated above.
I also use Deja-Dup to create snapshots of my system. I backup my data separately, but I also have relied on Deja-Dup to actually restore my entire system from /
which was a huge relief when it worked.
With the way Solus is set up, I never encounter instability by 'regularly' using the system. It's only when I try to test out newly rolled out JACK support, or tweak my PulseAudio settings, or messing with my USB Wacom tablet installation that I ever encounter issues. Most of my needs to revert have been directly related to me messing around in directories I shouldn't be, but that's how I learn! Solus has been super stable for me coming up on 1 year.