
  • Joined May 10, 2019
  • 0 best answers
  • Hey everyone,

    I'm posting this in off-topic because it isn't strictly related to Solus, but I've decided to create a Patreon to pursue the goal of working on open source, desktop-focused software. It's become more obvious to me over the last several years that we're seeing various major players in the open source community shifting to "responsive design", mobile-focused applications, which actively regress in functionality and usability for home computing usage. Sophisticated desktop applications that don't shy away from putting features and functionality at your fingertips is something I intend to develop.

    I want to emphasize that this is me pursuing open source development full-time. Solus is not a formal, legal entity and is not accepting donations. When both @DataDrake and myself are in the position to create such entity, we will. That being said, my ability to work on open source full-time will benefit Solus, and this personal Patreon was opened with the full support of Bryan.

    • appmath Desktop icons are the best things ever and wonderfully represent a physical desktop with stuff on it.

      some fun desktop metaphors I found while looking at old GUIs a while ago 🙂

    • Hey guys,

      I installed updates yesterday and now my system won't start properly. I am installing updates quite frequently, so it was probably caused by something in the update from yesterday (https://discuss.getsol.us/d/5036-solus-03-07-2020-sync-report).

      The following lines are in my lightdm logs:

      Process 1215 exited with return value 1
      Seat seat0: Stopping; greeter display server failed to start 

      Process 1215 is the x server.

      The Xorg.0.log tells me, that something is wrong with my nvidia drivers:

      (EE) NIVIDIA: Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module. Please see the
          system's kernel log for additional error messages and
          consult the NVIDIA README for details.
      [the same thing three more times]
      (EE) No devices detected.

      I don't know where to look for those logs. Does somebody know?

      In the sync report somebody else had problems with nvidia. When I run eopkg li | grep 'nvidia- I get the following:


      I have an nvidia gtx 970, in case that helps.

      I don't know where to go from here, so I would appreciate some help. Thanks for reading!

      PS.: Is there a way to upload my logs from the terminal?

      • If you are on an alternate machine where you can read the web, read this (I just bookmarked it for the sheer amount of emergency knowledge, plus it solved the problem): https://dev.getsol.us/T7284

        Couple similar threads to yours solved that last couple days, too. Good luck.