
- Feb 1, 2020
- Joined Jul 22, 2019
- 0 best answers
- Edited
Kaizaki Yeah, I’m afraid that that is the case but as noted earlier, you should be able to load them through Carla as long as they are Linux native and not windows plugins.
Until this is resolved in Solus, I would recommend you to download the appimage from https://lmms.io and you might need to download the 32bit version of wine from the software center...
Here is a direct download link: https://github.com/LMMS/lmms/releases/download/v1.2.0/lmms-1.2.0-linux-x86_64.AppImage
I hope this might help you
The VST support in LMMS doesn’t work in the latest version of LMMS in the Solus repo as I can’t get it to work with version 1.2.0. I did add Carla support though, so you should be able to load Ladspa, LV2 and VST files through it instead. I don’t think it works using wine, need a native Linux version, but otherwise it works flawlessly. It is what I use for my plugins in LLVM...
Eggnog Well, I don't understand why some distros have default light themes at first boot. It's most illogical to waste the white light on empty space and strain eyes.