Hey Folks, I just ran into a GNOME X11 issue: sometimes, and that for basically as long as I can remember, GNOME app switching shortcut (super+tab) behaves strange. This time it was super+tab didn't switch the app, but only brought the app switching dialog/window, I then had to keep pressing super and repress tab to actually switch the app. Behaviours like that I normally resolve by restarting the GNOME shell with Alt+F2, r, Enter.
Doing so, the shell apparently crashes: I get a white screen with error message: An error occured that could't be resolved by the system. User has to log out. (roughly translated from the german error message). I then can only click log user out and get logged out to gdm login screen, from where I can log in back, but all running windows then are closed, of course.
I reproduced this now 3 times in a row. As long as there are open windows (in my case nheko and GNOME calendar) and you perform the GNOME shell restart with Alt+F2, r, Enter, the crash occurs.