*If you're steaming off to the reply button to mention window tiling apps ... hold your sails!
Big fan of the application or window snapping feature here and therefore pleased to see it in Solus by default. Without bringing down the ship however, I would like to point out some additional functionality that I believe may just get in and outsiders excited and/or talking about Solus as it will be the only OS featuring this extend of application snapping by default. I know I would ... and I could be the only one but, I’ll just put it out there.
By default, it is possible to drag an application into either the left or right side of the screen. The application then snaps/conforms to the corresponding half of the screen which is a helpful feature. My suggestion for additional functionality being, the ability for applications to snap to different areas of the screen:
Half screen | left and right (currently default)
Half screen | top and bottom
Corners | all four of them
Thirds | left, middle, right
Two thirds | left and right
I do realize that there are window tiling applications. I have tried them a few times, but there is something 'simplistic' and perhaps 'familiar' about staying right on the original (Budgie, Gnome, Mate, Plasma) desktop environment. I believe it would compliment Solus OS well.
Other than that, I wouldn't suggest these additions if I didn't thoroughly enjoyed similar abilities not too long ago in MacOS, through applications like Rectangle and Magnet. Very similar to one another and perhaps worth taking a look at for reference sake.
What says you?!