Heya folks! A couple of significant developments happened this week. Let’s not waste any more time!

At the beginning of the week, we went from having over 5,000 individual repositories for packages to having just one. We call it the monorepo, and the effort was spearheaded by @silke. This brings us another step closer to using the Serpent OS tooling, which is also designed to work with a monorepo setup. The entire repository takes up between 1 and 1.4 GB of disk space, and takes just a minute or two to clone on average connection speeds. The repository can be found on GitHub, here.

This week also saw the completely overhauled packaging documentation finalized and released! This has been a monumental undertaking led by @TraceyC with input from the Communications Team and contributors old and new. If you’re interested in learning packaging, or you want to get familiar with the new processes, head on over here to get started.

With all of this work done, the floodgates are open! If you’ve been on the fence waiting for Solus 5, or wondering about where to get started with packaging, we encourage you to jump on in now. The knowledge you’ll gain now will still apply when it comes time to switch to the Serpent OS tooling. So, what are you waiting for?

And now, this week’s Notable Updates:

Our glibc package has been modified to only work on kernels 5.4 and newer. This results in some improved performance at the expense of systems using older kernels needing to update their kernel in order to keep working. Our kernel packages have all been newer than 5.4 for more than a year now so we do not anticipate this causing many problems.

That’s it for this week, folks! Come back next week for the next sync roundup!

How did the sync go for you?

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    I'd like to file a formal complaint. I have an important project due soon and my computer is still working after this update. That makes it impossible for me to delay the project due date due to "technical issues", please fix this immediately and break my computer!

      btop is new as well (fancier htop).

      Wait was that last week? idfk anymore, what is time

        Harvey edit the post then and add it. If it wasn't in last week's release notes it's still fine to put it in this one's. The point is to draw attention to new packages and updated ones, not quibble about what was in one sync versus another one.

        EbonJaeger oh don't you worry I'll make sure the next kernel update is the worst one we've ever had.

        EbonJaeger Thank you so much, packages version are now next to the pkg itself, much much informative now.
        Next time maybe formating should improve, in table with column ... maybe
        indicating :
        Size (maybe but not obliged)

        This formatted in a table would be super, and please, do preserve link mode it helps read more about the pkg itself.
        Thanks for doing so great job

          unclemez we didn't use the script that automatically generates a changelog from all of the commits we made this time. We wrote it by hand as a "highlight" of the updates that we think most users are interested in reading about.

          Created two pull-requests to add the Solus packages for duf & amdgpu_top. I think the more representation of Solus, the merrier it gets.
          Haven't made one for btop, since it got an automatically updated repology package embed on it, despite having a section about repo packages in the README.md.

          Kde online accounts for gdrive is now working again - nice 👍 (Yeah I know Google are the big overlords blah blah blah blah).

            Nice to have duf and amdgpu_top in the repo 👍

            I just like watching people do updates.
            (Mine are still broke on my 2 computers)

              Axios it's bizarre that Mate on two computers has pipe problems. I remember that long thread of troubleshooting. All I can think of now is what are you doing the same on both? vpn package? or a DIY set of iptable rules? the other thing two computers with broken the same way would be the isp...I don't remember two in that thread so...

              anyways just wondering if you have to go back to W7?

              anyone have any first impressions of btop yet? I haven't got around to it and I like htop. Curious, thanks.

                brent anyone have any first impressions of btop yet?

                I think I'm in love. The processes don't bounce all around; just their values change.

                no bounce!! that makes it so much easier to kill a process, sleek. thank you