Bouquins All is off, I guess; here is a screenshot of my parameters (I can't see auto screenlock delay off), and it's not a laptop. Weirdly, I have another computer and the screen goes blank without issue.
you want a blank screen not a wallpaper/picture....I wonder if there are more ways to skin a cat.
if you set your computer to sleep/hibernate (whatever you call it) after 4 minutes I wonder if there's a way to set the background manually for the suspend thing (whatever it's called) a solid black picture or something?
hope someone can confirm such a method exists?
if you set it for blank screen, and it doesnt go to blankscreen but a wallpaper instead....then does that over-ride exist somewhere as a gsetting
or dconf
there's got to be a way to make your blankscreen setting go to a blank screen.