WetGeek When I tried to follow those instructions (the ones involving chroot) I couldn't get anywhere with them.
it's one of those 'have to do 3-4' times ( I have) til the context sinks in. I understand it now. The tutorial is not intuitive. There are two parts that don't apply to most people (lvm part and part that seems to deviate and go out of chroot then comes back--the ping part? I forget) that just show up and appear as normal steps and sequential steps in the narrative.
I thinks it's a sound tutorial, I get it now. I have to remember to skip some parts. They could make that clearer._..but I know how to chroot with success now.
long story short if you follow it from beginning to end, I wouldn't exepct success the first time. you have to know what to throw out.
That's one of those things I always wanted to take a crack at re-writing. edit/sp