I think the driver is just out of date. You will have to install the new one from the tarball.
As a quick test I just did the following:
Downloaded the linux-UFRII-drv-v570-us-18.tar.gz file from Canon
Right clicked Extract Here
Open the folder as root or go in through the terminal
Double click install.sh
Press run in terminal or run sudo ./install.sh i in terminal
It gave me a message
"This installer is recommended for the following distributions that are currently supported as of the release of this installer:
- Fedora/Ubuntu/CentOS/Debian/UOS/Kylin OS/NeoKylin OS
If this installer is run under distributions for which the support period has ended, the installation of additional system libraries may be necessary after driver installation is complete.
Note that an internet connection is required for installation.
Do you want to continue with installation? (y/n)"
Unfortunately when I ran it there were unmet dependencies so that is as far as I got.
Maybe the best strategy is to request the driver be updated and let someone who knows what they are doing handle it. That's not me 🙂