Gepas Usually not. But surprisingly quite often adjustments can be necessary for videos to be showed properly on ultrawide monitor. Celluloid has absolutely no adjustments for video. Even basic user sometimes may want to do things like adjust playback speed or rotate video (for videos made with phones...).
I just quickly googled these settings for mpv. Good news you can do it with shortcuts, and it also works for Celluloid.
Shift + A
Force a different aspect ratio for the currently playing media.
and ]
for playback speed
Looks like there are no default shortcuts for rotation video, but you can set it in the config file, here some links:
Gepas No. Problem happens when screen starts to black out after period of inactivity. This really is a bug. But can by made less frequent by increasing set time for inactivity.
or you can set Screen Blank setting to never. BTW you can report this issue, not sure if it's a known bug.
Gepas Big thanks for hint about this applet. Really much more practical for menu to be shown where button is pressed not in middle of screen.
Yes, I prefer this applet too!
Gepas Note: I am not complaining about anything.
oh, I am complaining about Solus/Budgie issues a lot on the various Solus/Budgie social media 😇