zmaint When i tried: glxinfo |grep -e OpenGL.vendor -e OpenGL.renderer
i got this result: OpenGL vendor string: AMD
OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon Graphics (renoir, LLVM 15.0.7, DRM 3.52, 6.4.8-247.current)
So even though i have the nvidia driver installed it is running on the AMD GPU from the CPU.
In the Bios it was set to hybrid mode, when i switched to discrete graphics and booted i didn't get the graphical login screen, so i used CTRL+Alt+F2 and logged in terminal.
Typing startx gave me several error messages so i had to go in Bios again and set hybrid mode.
Seems like Solus wont let me run the Nvidia driver even though it is installed.
What to do now?