Also this week, PipeWire is enabled by default for everyone!
This is huge!
No issues to report so far.
Also this week, PipeWire is enabled by default for everyone!
This is huge!
No issues to report so far.
3+ GB download and 300+ packages, big update, I got tho clean something here lol, no issues here for the moment, great job team!
Does GNOME 44 come with Wayland enabled or not yet?
ok, something went wrong, it failed to boot on cold boot, managed to boot, editing boot options, don't know if it's the uefi from machine or the partition uuid changed (I saw swap error about it), and from the login screen, the desktop fails to load and falls back to the login screen (budgie widgets thing?)
For the momment I'm checking packages and rolling back after that, will collect more info in the next few days/weeks I'm busy those days.
nolan I have a similar situation, it does load the desktop but it does not respond at all to mouse clicks and pannels are empty. I also had to cold boot for the first time. (It booted but the other problem was noted.) posting from an extrnal HDD OS before I try to rescue and reroll.
Though I'm already not having a normal install so can't say what's wrong and could be a "my fault" issue.
This time it's likely.
P.S. I forgot, maybe I should try to use Mutter first if still possible, I am not in the mood of system rescue now.
160 Packages on Plasma-desktop.
adwaita-icon-theme at-spi2 at-spi2-32bit bzip2 bzip2-32bit bzip2-32bit-devel bzip2-devel cairomm cups-filters curl curl-32bit enchant fakeroot ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel firefox flatpak gcr ghostscript git gnome-disk-utility gnome-themes-extra gnome-themes-extra-32bit gnuplot
graphviz gsettings-desktop-schemas gspell gvfs hplip-drivers ibus intel-microcode kio-extras libayatana-appindicator libayatana-appindicator-32bit libayatana-ido libayatana-ido-32bit libayatana-indicator libayatana-indicator-32bit libcairo libcairo-32bit libcairo-32bit-devel libcairo-devel libcanberra libdbusmenu libdbusmenu-32bit libde265 libglade libgnome-desktop
libgnome-keyring libgtk-2 libgtk-2-32bit libgtk-3 libgtk-3-32bit libgtksourceview3 libhandy libical libnma libplacebo libplacebo-devel libreoffice-calc libreoffice-common libreoffice-common-kde-integration libreoffice-draw libreoffice-impress libreoffice-writer librsvg librsvg-32bit libssh libssh2 libssh2-32bit libwebkit-gtk libwpe
linux-current linux-firmware mediainfo mesalib mesalib-32bit mesalib-devel mpv-libs mpv-libs-devel networkmanager-openconnect networkmanager-openvpn nvidia-470-glx-driver-modaliases nvidia-glx-driver-modaliases obs-studio openssh orca pango pango-32bit pango-32bit-devel pango-devel pangomm pipewire pipewire-32bit pipewire-devel pipewire-lib
power-profiles-daemon powerdevil python-lxml python-psutil python-requests python3 python3-cairo python3-devel python3-qt5 qpdf qt5-base qt5-base-devel qt5-charts qt5-connectivity qt5-declarative qt5-declarative-devel qt5-graphicaleffects qt5-imageformats qt5-location qt5-multimedia qt5-networkauth qt5-quickcontrols qt5-quickcontrols2 qt5-sensors
qt5-serialport qt5-speech qt5-svg qt5-tools qt5-tools-devel qt5-virtualkeyboard qt5-wayland qt5-wayland-devel qt5-webchannel qt5-webengine qt5-websockets qt5-x11extras qt5-x11extras-devel qt5-xmlpatterns qt6-base qt6-svg sdl2 sdl2-32bit signal-desktop solus-sc sudo systemd systemd-32bit systemd-devel
tar thunderbird upower v4l2loopback-common v4l2loopback-current vala-panel-appmenu vlc wayland-protocols wayland-protocols-devel wireplumber wxwidgets xdg-desktop-portal-gtk xorg-server xorg-server-xvfb ypkg zenity
All went smoothly.
There was a file conflict for pipewire-lib
/usr/lib64/ from pipewire gets replaced by pipewire-lib package
But it's likely intended, especially since I enabled pipewire by default prior to the change.
[deleted] I can't edit no longer, but I forgot the exact situation so wasn't accurate.
Cold boot was done in trying to make the mouse cursor responsive/captured on the desktop and pannel (it does move) and to try to solve the missing pannels icons issue. However it was not needed and did not solve my issue so it's unrelated - just something I tried since normal reboot/logoff wasn't possible.
P.S. why is this awaiting approval? It's a correction of a post while I could edit it no longer.
[deleted] P.S. why is this awaiting approval? It's a correction of a post while I could edit it no longer.
Because the system automatically flagged it for review. No idea why it thought it may have been SPAM, but it did.
PoorPocketsMcNewHold There was a file conflict for pipewire-lib
As I said earlier in the thread "just ownership of files being passed between packages. Nothing to fear, working as intended."
Everything went great (Budgie), no problems.
Thanks to the team.
It most certainly does!
brent on startup (redshift enabled at startup) the redshift app announced geoclue was disabled or missing or something so no redhsift. don't really care about that.
Seems like this was already an issue in the past with a geoclue update (that's why it was reverted here). Unfortunately it seems the redshift
app no longer sees any development.
edit: Arch Wiki describes a workaround here:
(but note that the location is apparently different in Solus: /usr/lib/geoclue/geoclue-2.0/demos/agent
Hello guys, Budgie edition here. Posting from my phone.
Rebooting after the updates, the moment I log in I get blank desktop (sometimes blank panel as well). One time I managed to run htop in terminal via the alt+f2 launcher before the machine gets completely frozen or reboots.
Basically, what seems to be happening, at least in my case, is budgie-panel causing massive memory leak of sorts - taking all cores and filling both ram and swap (sometimes multiple times before making the machine freeze/reboot). Got lucky one time to get past that and functioning normally, unfortunately wasn’t that lucky with any of subsequent boots though.
Is there anything else I can do or provide you with to help with the issue?
Hello there, I am budgie user, and yes, after applied the update, i have the same issue, frozen session, and prompting a logout with error message "oh no, something has gone wrong"...
What should I do to revert, or, is there any patches coming up??
BTW since I messed up badly and as I had a backup I just reinstalled, already am back to the new, updated system. I see no issue with it now, (didn't try much but the problem I've noticed doesn't exist anymore) it probably was something I did or installed. (I know I should have solved that and report but I was so tired and messed up so big so it was too tough, so I used the opportunity to check it on a vanila install while the first thing is updating)
Also - thanks @Harvey ,
that was totally understandable if it is auto - since I phrase non ideally by accident, and maybe also since I had many edits (which were needed in general, I think) and have/had multiple accidental mouse jerks and clicks on posting and edits which had left some accidental strange typing activity (such as unintended adding of bulled lists, cut/pastes possibly or more likely - text which had started not from the point I meant but from the point the cursor accidentally jumped to) due to me not yet disabling the touchpad. (in both the temporary systems and this one)
Great update (1.7 GB) with just one issue. I used an headset with Creative BT-W3 Bluetooth Audio Transmitter. Because I don't have any bluetooth on my MOBO. It worked well until now, but with PipeWire, I have no more sound in the headset. Could you help me ?
$ inxi -A
Device-4: Creative BT-W3 driver: hid-generic,snd-usb-audio,usbhid
type: USB
API: ALSA v: k6.3.12-244.current status: kernel-api
Server-1: PipeWire v: 0.3.75 status: active
So far so good!
Do you remember what applets you had active in your budgie-panel?
Staudey as far as I remember, mine has these on:
keyboard language indicator/switcher
keyboard lock keys indicator
budgie menu
icon task list
systray, network, volume (sorry, don’t remember if these are separate or not)
raven trigger
Also, on a related note, I tried to roll the update back via tty for now, but eopkg throws a system error: Repo item libatk-32bit not found