I had to dump a great browser dedicated to work because it suddenly couldn't attach files. So I auditioned.
I have projects at two places. Each corporation has a company website and web portal/software I must use. Each place has a website where I have an email account. For each email account I need to attach files. I need one browser to handle this. My last browser could not.
Criteria: render company websites and attach files in email.
Could not do attachments due to sandboxed:
flatpak Mullvad---a badass browser--I kept this one.
flatpak Floorp
flatpak Netsurf
Could not render/load company websites completely:
flatpak Midori
repo Epiphany
flatpak Eolie
sandboxed browsers that COULD handle attachments:
flatpak Microsoft Edge
flatpak Libre Wolf
flatpak Ungoogled-Chromium
[ignored in flatpak and repo: chrome, yandex, tor, waterfox, falkon, chromium]
Of the flatpaks that worked I actually LOVED Edge. Snappy, lively, good looking. But it's too much. I already use Ungoogled for other things. And Libre Wolf looks like, well, you know, a slate gray post-War apartment building..Libre Wolf also insists you don't change to dark theme.
Firefox is my true web browser; I do not conduct commerce on it.
So..back to the repo.
that leaves Brave, Opera, and Vivaldi.
I had a year with Brave once. It's still too much for me. Opera and Vivaldi are way too much, too flashy, and too busy for me. But at least you could get rid of all their stupid sidebars and panels and advertisters and after 20 minutes have them resemble basic browsers. Slightly less so with Brave.
So after stripping out/disabling all the nonsense in each broswer (about a 60 minute project for me) they both exceeded my expectations. I have them both dialed in.
Vivaldi-snapshot won.
But I'm about to switch to Opera.
My defualt view is set to 110% (in Vivaldi settings) and some company pages I bumped to 120%. Vivaldi zeroes out at 100 every time I start it and occasionally forgets between tabs. Truly mediocre and annoying. I don't have 'erase histoy and cookies' set or anything that would purge this particular setting. THat little slider thing on the bottom is useless with no memory. Like I said, mediocre but not a dealbreaker and no browser is perfect (except ungoogled).
Opera is dialed in and ready to go if I can't figure this out.
Once your tear the shiny guts out these are decent browsers.
That concludes my five day adventure.
("all I wanted was a Pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to me")