infinitymdm as far as removing the CMOS battery

this ^ and re-situating the jumper pins sheath with a needlenose pliers on the back of a HDD (if applicable) have performed miracles for me. seems so old school now. it does---as fact---reset many things back to happy. It truly does not clear any charges with a reboot, I agree.

But I might note the bluetooth chip will retain its settings without power
(And they can go bad they are usually rated for like 100,000 write cycles)
(Reading the chip does not effect anything)

Axios in windows at least you get one mac addy reset then no more (says the article). Then this short article ends with 'proof of concept' gitlab code to reverse this course of zeroed out address. Could invalid address have something to do with this problem I wonder? I consider that very interesting.
bluetoothd[...]: No address available for hci0
bluetoothd[...]: No Bluetooth address for index 0

have we seen that yet in this thread? too tired to scroll to top🙂

    brent New Index: 00:00:00:00:00:00 (Primary,USB,hci0) [hci0] 0.749501
    The no address is prob what causing it not to work but I dont know where its not coming from.
    And since thats invalid mac address it will cause issues
    Found that little article interesting and informative

      Axios the code is there for the experimenting and @infinitymdm has endured all the hammering with great humor🙂...
      "This project is a proof of concept example only.
      The code demontrates sending commands to CSR bluetooth adapter (to change it's address) using libusb functions instead of hci calls.

      Usage: fix_bricked_bt VID PID BD_ADDR

      Arguments: VID, PID - USB device identifiers BD_ADDR - New bluetooth address

      Example: fix_bricked_bt 0x0a12 0x0001 11:22:33:44:55:66

      Building Run make to build the program. libusb-1.0 headers and libraries required to be installed on your system (debian/ubuntu - "libusb-1.0-0-dev" package)"

        Axios brent I just want to say that you guys have been awesome. Thanks so much for your help so far. I'm sure that eventually we'll get this figured out.

        I'll take a look at that mac address reset code (hopefully over the weekend, though my schedule has gotten pretty full lately) and consider giving it a try.

          brent I wonder---in regards to this experiment--if the reboot as opposed to complete shutdown would have made a difference...I wish I knew the true difference.

          Years ago I noticed that there IS a difference, and after experiencing that difference enough times, I concluded that a reboot restarts just the OS, and a shutdown and restart also includes all the peripherals. I was trying to figure out why a network issue was affected by a complete shutdown, but not a reboot.

          No idea what that has to do with the present context. Perhaps the radio isn't shut down and restarted by a reboot?

            In a reboot (warm boot) devices are not always "let go". If a computer is shutdown and it is a true shutdown (By default in Windows 10+, shutdown is actually a sleep state), the device is "let go" and when you next power on (cold boot) everything is reinitialised without getting stuck in some prior state.

            WetGeek You are correct reboot=Soft pwr off=hard,soft
            they do act different sometimes.
            Kinda hard to tell tho what they effect sometimes so I just pwr down if issues arise.
            Soft reboot is always easier on equipment tho.

            Hmmm I dont run windows 10 getting ready sometime to wipe it off lenovo thinkpad
            But I did notice that strange behavor Harvey just described kinda thought thats what it was
            I dont go past

              infinitymdm I looked online A guy could do it but it would be a beast to replace the board
              prob not for the faint hearted. (Under the silver metal shield the antenna brackets are attached to it whole thing comes out gotta remove mother board ect ect ect geez they couldnt make it simple)

              I dunno did alot of kernel module reading and fixes mediatek did I came to the conclusion maybe in the next 2
              kernel cycles maybe it will get fixed. If thats the issue. (that I am looking at)

              But it wouldnt hurt to look at that wont do any harm. Might tell us alittle more. (Mac add)
              I did learn something tho My codeing is wayyyyyyyy rusty when you get that
              gave me a headache..rofl

                Axios A guy could do it but it would be a beast to replace the board
                prob not for the faint hearted.

                I used to repair smartphones. Stuff like this is a walk in the park by comparison 😛

                Axios I dunno did alot of kernel module reading and fixes mediatek did I came to the conclusion maybe in the next 2
                kernel cycles maybe it will get fixed. If thats the issue. (that I am looking at)

                I think that would fall under the "Do nothing, and wait for a miraculous fix from the penguin gods" troubleshooting option. That's promising, though - could you link to the patches you're looking at? I might just build the kernel with those patches if it isn't too in-depth.

                  Axios Kinda hard to tell tho what they effect sometimes so I just pwr down if issues arise.

                  toward what you said and Harvey said and Wetgeek said (re: the science/sequence of powering down), if indeed that is valid, which it probably is...then I wonder if it is possible (dmesg? journalctl?) to audit the 'let go' state versus the still ticking state? edit: to see who's chatty

                  In a soft reboot whatever is talking/not talking to the bluetooth will continue talking/not talking and a hard boot all communicaion is let go then reestablishes on boot..

         what does this mean? We can rule hard vs. soft out right now. Right? I forget? (op already tried i think)
                  Are we down to two factors now?
                  Is this what we are down to infinitymdm you think?:
                  1) the hardware and software aren't talking and we don't know why
                  2) basic incompatibility (kernel etc)

                    brent I think its little of both those but I dont know which is the main offender
                    Kernal,mt7922,firmware appears to me its getting in a hung state (appears not to be stuck there)
                    (After my research think device driver)

                    They have error (And codes are different) for not communicating and those kinda things so I think its working up to the point its doesnt.
                    But when it reaches that point it gets hung up.
                    Power down or reboot we start over again sheesh
                    Will prob be one ah ha moments when it does work.

                      Axios Kernal,mt7922,firmware appears to me its getting in a hung state

                      that's a much better description than I could come up with--all those things bottleneck into hung state. I was losing concentration on this one!

                      Axios Power down or reboot we start over again sheesh

                      this is related to hung state in only that one of those two cause the hang...or not🙂.
                      if infinity goes on to patch/rebuild the kernel then I salute you is all I can say.
                      you are right it will be an a-ha moment like internal bt wasn't seated in the board good enough...(but I rememver op saying it worked in Endeavour...)

                      now we are on a hamster wheel. given that Endeavor kernel same/in ballpark as solus kernel (unless we went LTS route I forgot) then why did it work in one OS and not the other? same hardware for both operating systems...he tried to pilfer the files from Endeavor but that didn't work.
                      but no hung state in endeavor....endeavor uses systemd this a different software or libraries thing when it comes to being unhung as it were--as in how it handles the communication?

                      ok 🙂 brain mostly empty now

                        brent Well I think it may be some sort of dma issue since the board doesnt have memory its got to
                        be read into pc memory. (I dont think thats happening) sooo we come up no mac address ect.
                        and that may be where process is hanging.

                        Because the info we got is firmware driver ect is loaded (which is not data from board) But wheres the data?
                        It appears we are missing the data. (appears when it gets to that point it hangs)

                        I dont know the differences between Endeavour and solus.
                        I maybe totally wrong on this first time I have dove this deep into linux
                        It installed when os was installed but not sure how all that plays out

                        extra note if he didnt install Endeavour how do we know if it really works
                        but maybe he did install it dunno

                        Long story when it trys to read board data it hangs and then times out

                          Axios yes I agree the zero address I didn't think that one through again. without board memory or place to go we get hung up. firmware data is loaded but no data.

                          Axios extra note if he didnt install Endeavour how do we know if it really works
                          but maybe he did install it dunno

                          I thought his BT worked on another OS but too lazy/tired to sift from the beginning of thread as well.

                          what is happening to him is much clearer to me but the solution gets less clearer

                          brent but I rememver op saying it worked in Endeavour...

                          Axios if he didnt install Endeavour how do we know if it really works

                          I never did end up testing Endeavor. The only test state where Bluetooth has worked for me was when booting with the Solus Budgie 4.3 ISO, and immediately after a fresh install. After updates + reboot, the Bluetooth no longer worked. That said, WiFi did not work until after updates. If I could only have one or the other, right now I would choose WiFi.

                            infinitymdm ok makes sense. so non-persistent state vs persistent a whole other can of worms to analyze!
                            see what the new updates bring, then. what a road for bluetooth

                            infinitymdm Uh I hate to even say this with all the bookmarks and stuff I cant find it
                            I wasnt ignoring you.
                            I guess I didnt hit the save key.
                            Wanted to look at it some more myself will keep looking